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Covid Tuscany, infections below one thousand, but the positive / LIVE rate rises

Florence, 1 March 2021 – From Thursday 25 February i Covid infections in Tuscany exceed one thousand with a positivity rate that fluctuates between 9 and 10%. Yesterday, Sunday 28 February, there were 1,068 with 13 deaths.

President Giani this morning anticipated the data which, as always happens after Sunday, are decreasing in absolute value and are back below one thousand: there are 877 out of 12,273 tests (10,046 molecular swabs and 2,227 rapid tests) with a positive rate of 7.15% (12.2% on early diagnoses).

Covid Toscana Sunday 28 February: the complete bulletin

The big heart of Giovanni, the old man who wants to donate the vaccine. The minister thanks him

The gesture of Giovanni, a 91 year old Carrarino who asked to be able to donate his dose of vaccine to the mother of a disabled person, really touched everyone’s heart. Minister Erika Stefani wrote him a message to thank him. HERE THE ARTICLE

A mother’s plea: “Does my child deserve to live?”

The appeal to Minister Speranza comes from Montignoso (Massa Carrara), but that of Veronica is also an appeal that symbolically applies to all people in her condition: mother of a brain-damaged, she wonders when she can be vaccinated. HERE THE ARTICLE

Lawn, contagions on the rise. Two cases in a kindergarten

Coronavirus cases on the rise in Prato, not yet a red risk area such as Arezzo and Empolese Valdelsa but in a worrying situation due to the growing trend. Two cases in a kindergarten in Galciana. HERE THE ARTICLE

Gatherings, social anger of the mayor

Social reprimand of the mayor of Altopascio, Sara D’Ambrosio, for the gatherings in her city. HERE THE ARTICLE

Health worker dies: he had been vaccinated. ‘Struck by the English variant “

The victim is Ugo Scardigli, 53, originally from Florence and living in Pietravairano (Caserta). The ASL: “The first dose had not yet produced enough antibodies.” HERE THE ARTICLE

Vaccines, 25 thousand doses to the elderly during the week

There are 2,500 Tuscan general practitioners who in recent days have booked vaccines and set appointments to administer the first dose to people over eighty. This is more than 90% of the total number of family doctors and they have booked, through the regional portal, about 25 thousand doses that will be administered in a week starting from Monday 28 February. HERE THE ARTICLE

Siena red zone, “cases doubled in two weeks”

The director general of the ASL Toscana Sud Est, Antonio D’Urso, supports the strengthening of the restrictive measures in the Siena area, where – he explains – in two weeks the cases have doubled and many variants of the virus have been identified. HERE THE ARTICLE


Iacopo Melio discharged from the hospital

After almost a month of hospitalization, the regional councilor Iacopo Melio returned home: his message published on social media. HERE THE ARTICLE


The school controversy

Meanwhile, the controversy over the school rises between those who would like the institutes to remain regularly open and part of the scientific world, which instead identifies precisely in the school one of the reasons for the increase in contagion. There is a direct link between the increase in Covid-19 hospitalizations in intensive care units and the reopening of schools: says the mathematician Giovanni Sebastiani, of the ‘Mauro Picone’ Institute for Calculation Applications of the National Research Council (Cnr-Iac). “The analysis of the curves of the number of hospitalized in intensive care units in Italy – says Sebastiani – indicates that the return to teaching in the presence after the Christmas holidays is conveying the current increase in the spread of the SarsCov2 epidemic in Italy », he notes. “In order to limit the spread of the epidemic in our country, I think – says the mathematician – that it is important to stop teaching as soon as possible in all schools, regardless of age, and in universities”.


Palazzuolo sul Senio prohibits trespassing into Emilia Romagna

With some areas of Emilia Romagna put under restrictions’ dark orange, including the area of ​​Bologna, in Tuscany, the mayor Philip Gian Piero Moschetti of Palazzuolo sul Senio (Florence), a neighboring municipality, has issued an ordinance prohibiting its citizens from trespassing into Emilia Romagna, whose border is very close to the town. The ordinance considers “the particularly aggressive and diffusive character variants of the CoViD virus and the increase in cases in the neighboring municipalities of the provinces of Bologna and Ravenna»And states that« from the municipal territory it is not allowed to travel to and from the municipalities of Emilia Romagna less than 30 kilometers from the municipal borders ».


Empoli, hospital in suffering

In the Empoli hospital «there is a need to reopen the second covid resuscitation, this requires attention. Furthermore, as we are approaching the November numbers, we are talking about opening a fifth Covid ward: we are waiting, we must be ready to give an answer “. The health director of the Empoli hospital (Florence) says this to Ansa, Silvia Guarducci, where today there are 77 hospitalized in the Covid area and 10 in the dedicated intensive care unit. “The hospital suffers of a critical situation – continues Guarducci – but far be it from me to give indications on the colors of the areas, I am a technician. We are with the mayors of the area in constant contact, with them we had already confronted. We are part of an ASL Toscana Centro with 13 hospitals and we give each other a hand when needed. For example, now it is we who are helping the one in Pistoia ». The area ofEmpolese Valdelsa, at the moment, it remains poised towards a possible passage to ‘rossà in the coming days: today the most infections detected in the area were 63.

Covid, pay attention to the badly placed mask

Eye to the mask placed badly on the face: if it conveys too much air towards the eyes it could trigger dry eye syndrome. He says it Rita Mencucci, ophthalmologist at the Careggi University Hospital in Florence. READ THE ARTICLE

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