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Covid today Lombardy: bulletin 17 November. Infections and deaths double – Chronicle

Milan, November 17, 2020 – Coronavirus infections double in Lombardy: today they registered 8,448 almost (of which 318 ‘weak positive’ and 84 following serological testing), while yesterday the new positives were 4,128. It is though more than the number of processed swabs also doubled: 38,283 in the last 24 hours (for a total of 3,606,814) compared to 18,037 on Monday. The percentage between swabs performed and positivity found is 22.06 percent (yesterday it was 22.8). Are increased, and much, deaths: have been registered since yesterday 202 dead (Monday they were 99). This figure had not been seen since last March 16. Since February, according to official data, 19,668 citizens have officially died from Covid-19 in Lombardy alone. With the increase of infections it also grows the pressure on hospitals of the regional network. In the past 24 hours, the number of hospitalizations has risen of 250 units, bringing the total to 8,151 (yesterday it was 7,901), while 39 are the new patients in intensive care, which therefore reach the figure of 894 units. Fortunately, the number of healed / discharged, now arrived at 157.121: in the last 24 hours they are 4.018. In some provinces, the pressure on the hospital system is becoming unbearable. Asst of Monza has asked the armed forces for help.

“The contagion curve is still growing – reiterated this morning on Sky Tg24 Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist of the University of Milan and medical director of the Galeazzi hospital – but she is one linear growth: I would say that we must still expect growth and arrive, I hope, to peak within a week. The curve – he added – would have been exponential, but with the provisions we have created a curve that is a hill. We are in fase di plateau and we must insist, this is fundamental. “While, the professor Massimo Galli, director in charge of the infectious diseases department of the Sacco hospital in Milan, recalled the countermeasures to be taken personally and in the workplace because “the possibility of reinfecting is real and it’s not that rare for that to happen either“.” Considering the number of reports of people who were positive in March and are positive now – explained the expert – I have heard several dozen, so the possibility of reinfection is real “. However it must be said that at least “until now, those I have seen that it is possible have become reinfected, they do not have a particularly worrying symptomatology, they are all with mild symptoms “.

Along with the sanitary one, it bites the economic crisis. It amounts the package of indemnities by categories to 167 million euros, businesses, professionals and self-employed workers approved by the Lombardy Regional Council. Governor Attilio Fontana announced it today. And to restart the economy, Malpensa announced the first Covid-free flight to China. The pilot project foresees that passengers who will board the Neos flight to Nanjing will be subjected to a rapid swab. The fight against Covid also involves choices of strong suggestion. The Tree of Life, symbol of Expo 2015, will now be illuminated in white “in honor of doctors and all health personnel”. The two most prestigious honors of Lombardy (The Ambrogino d’oro of the Municipality of Milan and the Rosa Camuna of the Region) have seen protagonists people from the world of healthcare and those who have worked to fight the virus. Good news comes from the entertainment world: Iva Zanicchi was discharged today from the Vimercate hospital where she was hospitalized e Gerry Scotti, returned home yesterday, he recounted his days in the hospital. Finally, in the sports field, three positive aspects concerning Milan, Inter and Atalanta: the deputy of Stefano Pioli (Giacomo Murelli), Kolarov e Malinovskyi.

Bulletin November 17: the data of the provinces

As for the provinces, Milan always remains the one with the greatest number of infections from Coronavirus: in 24 hours they were registered 2,356, of which 902 in the capital city. They follow Varese +1,830 (yesterday +723) How + 1.024 (yesterday +193). Then, Monza and Brianza with + 894 (yesterday + 764) and Sondrio with + 508 (yesterday +11). TO Mantua +364 (yesterday +19) ea Pavia +311 (yesterday +95). A Brescia +256 (yesterday +228); of Lecco +288 (yesterday +158) ea Bergamo +202 (yesterday +177). Finally Cremona with +122 (yesterday +106) and Lodi with + 93 8 yesterday +24).

Covid-19 in Italy, infections of November 17 / Pdf

The new infections from Coronavirus in Italia I’m 32.191 compared to 208,458 swabs (yesterday about 152,000). Second the Director General of Prevention of Ministry of Health Rezza the variation (yesterday just over 27 thousand new cases) is due to the number of tests conducted and we are therefore in the presence of “a sort of stabilization” of daily positives with, indeed, “perhaps with a slight decline”. A decline confirmed by the relationship between positives and swabs carried out which falls to 15.47%, two and a half points lower than yesterday (it was 17.92%). Soaring deaths, with 731 deaths in the last 24 hours New leap of terapie intensive: +120 today compared to +70 yesterday. Currently, there are 3,612 critically ill Covid patients. These amount to 33,074 i ordinary hospitalizations, 538 in 24 hours (yesterday 489). Bli currently positive have risen to 733,810, an increase of 16,026 compared to yesterday. The healed and discharged since the beginning of the epidemic are 457,798, 15,434 more than on Monday. As for the regions, the largest number of new cases registered once again in Lombardy (8,448), before Veneto (3.124), Campania (3.019), Piedmont (2.606) e Lazio (2.538).

Covid deaths

Out of 731 victims throughout Italy, in 24 hours, the highest number of deaths is recorded in Lombardy (202), Veneto (100), Piedmont (73), Lazio (59) and Tuscany (52). Followed by Emilia Romagna (48), Sicily (39), Puglia (36), Liguria (20), Campania (19), Abruzzo (13), Umbria (13), Trentino Alto Adige (12), Sardinia (12), Marche (11), Friuli Venezia Giulia (10), Calabria (7), Valle d’Aosta (4), Molise (1). No deaths from Coronavirus today only in Basilicata

The daily trend of cases (Gimbe Foundation)

The daily trend of cases (Gimbe Foundation)

Covid, vademecum of the Order of Doctors to treat patients at home

Meanwhile, theOrders of doctors of Lombardy drew up a vademecum (PDF) for the care of people with Covid-19 not hospitalized, to offer some useful information to general practitioners. “I hope it will serve to be closer to those at home with the infection,” said the infectious disease specialist Massimo Galli, Head of the Infectious Diseases Clinic, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences Sacco-University of Milan. Together with the vademecum, a document of eight pages, one is published on the Omceo Milanese portal cover letter of the initiative. The Councilor for Welfare of the Region, Giulio Gallera he then made it known that “the regional technical-scientific committee approved the new guidelines for the administration of home therapies to Covid patients, in support of the precious work of general practitioners for their patients. The text will be incorporated in a resolution that the Regional government will examine in the coming days “.

Lombardy ‘orange’ zone, decisive hours

Waiting for Dpcm Christmas which, if the situation permits, should lead to a general from early December relaxation of restrictive measures on the national territory, some news in this sense could arrive in the next few hours as regards Lombardy. Today it is in fact scheduled the State-Regions Conference and, according to some indiscretions that filter from Palazzo Chigi, the Lombardy could go from red zone to orange zone. Or at least part of it. The situation in the most populous region of Italy is in fact anything but uniform, with areas such as Milan, Monza and Varese put to the test from the second wave of Covid and others that have less worrying numbers. Bergamo and Brescia in particular, under the pressure of local politics and productive categories, they could see a relaxation of the measures contained in the last Dpcm. One possibility foreseen by the decree, that of acting on individual provinces, even more so in a region of vast dimensions. As for a possible passage of the whole of Lombardy from the red zone to the orange zone, it is unlikely that this could happen before 27 November, or after two weeks of “lower risk” from the date of entry into force of the Dpcm.

The other news today

Dpcm Natale: Government at work, here are the hypotheses for the red zone

Bonomi: “The government is wrong, it only thinks about the emergency. You don’t need subsidies but ideas”

Covid, the infectious disease specialist: “Antibodies bring widespread immunity closer. Each wave strengthens the defenses”

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