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Covid today Italy, numbers of infections and incidence. A year ago vax day

Swabs down, infections decreasing, incidence at 11.5%: more than one swab in 10 positive. These are the numbers with which Italy, after the peak of Christmas, archives December 26 and the first portion of the holidays. Today, with the Omicron variant in the spotlight, the country reopens (with the exception of schools of course) and on the first anniversary of the vax day – with the start of the vaccination campaign on December 27, 2020 – the foreseen measures are applied in almost ordinary daily life. by the Christmas Decree, in force since 25 December after its publication in the Official Gazette.

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On Boxing Day, according to data from the Civil Protection and Ministry of Health bulletin, 24,883 new cases were registered. The positives were identified on 217,052 swabs, with a positivity rate of 11.5%. At Christmas, there were 54,762 new infections – an absolute record since the beginning of the pandemic – and the positivity rate had stood at 5.6% after almost one million swabs (969,752). Spotlight on the data that will arrive in the next few hours from the various regions.


Data from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (Iss) offer new indications on the effectiveness of the vaccine. “After 150 days from the completion of the vaccination cycle, the effectiveness of the vaccine in preventing the disease, both in the symptomatic and asymptomatic form, drops from 71.5% to 30.1%”, reads the report.

“The vaccine efficacy in preventing cases of severe disease remains high, as the vaccine efficacy in vaccinated with a complete course of less than 150 days is equal to 92.7% while it decreases to 82.2% in vaccinated who have completed the cycle by over 150 days. The effectiveness in preventing diagnosis and cases of severe disease rises to 71.0% and 94.0% respectively in subjects vaccinated with an additional dose / booster “, continues the document.

The ISS highlights that in school age, almost half of the cases registered in the 6-11 year range. “In the last week, the trend observed in the previous one is confirmed, with 26% of the total cases diagnosed in the school age population (<20 years). 48% of the school age cases were diagnosed in the age group 6-11 years, 36% in the 12-19 years range and only 11% and 5% have been diagnosed, respectively between 3 and 5 years and under 3 years ", it reads.

The same Institute in a tweet recalls that “the risk of intensive care for the unvaccinated compared to those who have the third dose is: 85 times greater for those over 80; 12.8 times greater for 60-79; 6.1 times higher for 40-59 “.


The coronavirus vaccination campaign began on December 27, 2020. In one year, as the vaccine report illustrates, the doses administered are 108,336,214. 47,945,912 Italians have received at least one dose, this is 88.77% of the population over 12. Instead, 46,217,249 people have completed the ordinary course of vaccination: it is 85.57% of the population over 12. To date, 17,148,254 booster doses have been administered. 387,193 people recovered for at least 6 months.

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