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Covid today: Coronavirus data and infections in Italy of 13 October. Bulletin from the regions

Rome, 13 October 2021 – i Covid contagion In the bulletin today on the Coronavirus in Italia con i data from Ministry of Health e Civil protection, but they are fewer than those registered a week ago, so the epidemic curve returns to descend after yesterday’s braking. I dead and continues the descent of the pressure hospital: sharply decrease i hospitalizations ordinary and slightly le terapie intensive. “We are in a different phase than the previous one – said the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza – and this phase is different thanks to vaccines: we have passed the80% of people vaccinated who have completed the vaccination course and85% who made the first dose. “” Significant numbers “for the first inoculation, partly dictated by the application of green pass at work, which will start on October 15. However, it is estimated that there are still at least 2.5 million unvaccinated workers who will have to carry out green certification to obtain green certification a tampon: pharmacies say they are ready, but the Monday knot, after the weekend analysis laboratories and part of the pharmacy they may be closed.

Green pass, risk of empty shelves. Chaos trucking and ports


Today the new dramatic record reached by the Russia: in the last 24 hours are 984 people died, the highest number since the start of the pandemic. Although the victims are close to 1000, they have remained for days now few Russians vaccinated, only one in three. To stem the situation yesterday the President Vladimir Putin he urged the new Duma to encourage the population to be vaccinated. “We must work patiently and persistently with people – he said – and explain all the advantages of prophylaxis against this dangerous disease“.

“Test on thousands of blood samples from the city of Wuhan to understand the origins of Covid”

I am 2.772 i new cases of Covid recorded in the last 24 hours in Italy, compared to 2,494 yesterday. THE swabs carried out were 278,945, less than yesterday’s 315,285, so the rate of positivity goes back to 1% (yesterday 0.8%). THE dead They were 37 (yesterday 49), for a total of 131,241 victims since the beginning of the pandemic. Hospital pressure drops: i hospitalizations ordinary are 2,552 (113 less than yesterday), those in intensive care 367 (three fewer, with 19 admissions of the day). The region with the largest number of cases today is the Veneto with 348 infections, ahead of Lombardy (307), Sicily (304), Campania (280) and Emilia Romagna (223). The number total of cases since the beginning of the pandemic it rises to 4,707,087. The currently positive there are 80,451, down by 2,095 units compared to yesterday, while the new healed / discharged are 4,827. In home isolation there are 77,532 people.

I am 348 the new ones contagion Covid discovered in Veneto in the last 24 hours. It also registers a victim, which brings total deaths to 11,799 since the start of the pandemic. The number of Covid patients admitted to hospitals is almost stable: there are 238, of which 200 in non-critical areas and 38 in intensive care. The subjects currently positive and in isolation are 9,123.

Compared to 53,236 swabs carried out are 307 the new positives (0.5%) identified in the last 24 hours in Lombardy, where they also register 5 deaths. Intensive care patients increased slightly (59, +3), while hospitalized patients in other wards decreased (315, -18). New cases by province see first place Milano with 98 infections of which 45 in the city. Followed by Bergamo (35), Brescia (47), Como (11), Cremona (12), Lecco (10), Lodi (15), Mantua (6), Monza and Brianza (26), Pavia (21), Sondrio ( 4) and Varese (10).

They grow back, but slightly i positive in Sicily: the infected registered in the last 24 hours are 304 (+31). They halve i deaths, 6, of which one relates to yesterday and the other 5 to the previous days. The new healed are 1,045, while the currently positive ones drop by 747 and are 9,289. There are 314 hospitalizations in ordinary wards (-31), while in intensive care there are 41 patients (+2, with 4 new entries). On the other hand, there are 8,934 people in home isolation.

I am 280 i positive cases at Covid identified in Campania in the last 24 hours. With 17,633 tests examined, the contagion index, yesterday equal to 1.16%, rises slightly to 1.58%. Three deaths in the last 48 hours and one previously deceased, but registered yesterday. In hospitals, the situation remains stable in intensive care with 17 beds occupied (-1), while hospitalizations in hospital with 174 beds occupied are slightly decreasing (-3).

Slight decline in hospitalizations of Covid patients in Emilia Romagna, but others five dead and daily infections that today return above 200. I new cases of infection are 223 on over 19 thousand tampons in the last 24 hours, average age 47 years. Among the provinces Ravenna leads with 81 positives, followed by Bologna (29 plus 2 from the Imola area), then Reggio Emilia (22). There are 40 patients admitted to intensive care (-2 compared to yesterday), 320 those in the other Covid departments (-18). The active cases are 15,019 (-31), over 97% of which are in isolation at home.

In Tuscany I’m 215 i new cases Covid detected by the analysis of 8,709 molecular swabs and 8,687 rapid antigenic swabs for a positivity rate of 1.2%. Today they register 2 deaths: two men, with an average age of 67.5 years. The currently positive are 5,573, -1% compared to yesterday: among these the hospitalized are 227 (5 less than yesterday), of which 23 in intensive care (2 less). The other 5,346 positive people are in isolation at home.

In Piedmont today it is registered a death with the total number of victims rising to 11,782 since the beginning of the pandemic. I am instead 195 the new cases, equal to 1% of 20,069 swabs performed, of which 14,259 antigenic. Of the 195 new cases, 107 were asymptomatic (54.9%). Hospital pressure drops: there are 19 hospitalized in intensive care (unchanged compared to yesterday), while patients in the other wards are 173 (-10 compared to yesterday). There are 2,990 people in home isolation.

“Today in the Lazio out of 11,355 molecular swabs and 11,127 antigenic swabs for a total of 22,482 swabs, 194 new cases positive (-27) down compared to Wednesday 6 October (-51). I am 4 i deaths (+1), 324 hospitalized (-20), 49 intensive care (+1) and 430 recovered. The ratio of positives to swabs is 1.7%. The cases a Roma cities are at 76 “. This was announced by the councilor for health Alessio D’Amato.

I am 141, down from the 170 recorded yesterday, i positive in Calabria, with 3,435 swabs performed and a 4.10% positivity rate. Two new deaths, one registered in the province of Reggio and the other in Cosentino, bring the total of victims to 1,427. Ordinary hospitalizations drop below one hundred, 92 (-9), while those in intensive care remain stable, 11. Today there are 175 recovered (81,006) and 2,810 currently positive. There are 2,707 (-27) people in home isolation.

Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia out of 4,965 molecular swabs were detected 85 new infections with a positive percentage of 1.71%. There are also 4,483 rapid antigenic tests carried out, from which they were detected 10 almost (0.22%). Today is recorded a death. There are still 9 people hospitalized in intensive care and 39 patients hospitalized in other departments.

Today in Puglia out of 12,977 tests were detected 86 positive cases: 15 in the province of Bari, 4 in the province of Barletta, Andria, Trani, one in the province of Brindisi, 21 in the province of Foggia, 19 in the province of Lecce, 22 in the province of Taranto and 4 in the province to be defined. It was also registered a death. Currently there are 2,209 positive people: 135 are hospitalized in a non-critical area, 20 in intensive care and the others are in home isolation.

I am 78 i new positives at Covid today in Liguria, compared to 3,062 molecular swabs carried out in the last 24 hours, to which another 3,756 rapid antigenic swabs are added. Today’s bulletin does not report no death. The number of hospitalized people is increasing: they are 56, 6 more than yesterday, 5 of them in intensive care.

In the last 24 hours they have been identified in Walk 71 new cases, 5.2% compared to the 1,363 swabs processed within the path for new diagnoses (yesterday the ratio was 3.6%, with 54 cases out of 1,513 swabs). They also register two victims which bring the budget to 3,085 since the start of the pandemic crisis. There are 55 patients assisted in hospitals (-1): in intensive care there are 12 patients, in semi-intensive care 16 and in ordinary wards 27. In home isolation, on the other hand, there are 2,126 people.

I am 56 the new cases Covid positive discovered today in Abruzzo by 3,440 molecular swabs and 3,362 antigen tests for a positivity rate of 0.82%. The balance of patients deceased does not record no case and remains steady at 2,550. Currently positive are 1,384 (-11 compared to yesterday): 47 patients (-1 compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in the medical area, 5 (unchanged compared to yesterday) in intensive care, while the other 1,332 (-10 compared to yesterday) are in home isolation.

In Sardinia register today 35 almost of positivity to Covid on the basis of 7,361 tests processed between molecular and antigenic. Today’s bulletin also reports two deaths. There are 10 patients admitted to intensive care units (2 fewer than yesterday), while in the medical area there are 77 people (+1 compared to yesterday). On the other hand, there are 1,553 cases of home isolation (-44).

In South Tyrol one victim and 63 new cases, zero deaths and 26 positives in Trentino. One death and 28 infections in Umbria, 17 in Basilicata, only five in Molise and in Valle d’Aosta.

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