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Covid: the return of compulsory teleworking three days a week

Posted on Dec. 2021 at 19:50Updated 27 Dec. 2021 at 22:12

The measure will be at the center of the audio conference that the Minister of Labor, Elisabeth Borne, will hold this Tuesday at 11 a.m. with the social partners. The Prime Minister, Jean Castex, announced this Monday during the press conference which he held at the end of the Health Defense Council: “As of next Monday, for a period of three weeks, the appeal teleworking will be made compulsory, I mean compulsory, for all companies and for all employees for whom it is possible three days a week and if possible four days ”.

The meteoric wave of Omicron added to that of the Delta variant has overcome the reluctance of the government to reinstate an obligation to work from home. Jean Castex had called at the beginning of December for the extension of telework, “up to three days” per week in the public service, two to three days elsewhere. At the time, Omicron had not yet emerged.

New version of the protocol

Shortly before Christmas, Elisabeth Borne had announced a return to a minimum of three days of teleworking “for positions which allow it, or even four when possible” for January 3. But this was only a recommendation, the introduction of a gauge having been abandoned at the end of August. The government did not even wait to see if companies were playing the game before deciding to tax it again.

VIDEO – Covid-19: government announcements on new health restrictions

The health protocol applicable in companies, which sets out the measures that employers must take to protect their employees, will be amended accordingly. The wording included in the new version which will be put online this Thursday will be imperative, reviving the old versions from before the summer.

“It is much more acceptable than the health pass in business”, mentioned last week by the government, judges the president of the CPME, François Asselin, who adds to wish that “as soon as possible, the device is lightened” . On the U2P side, however, there are concerns about the economic consequences of the decision.

According to the latest Harris Interactive survey for the Department of Labor released on December 22, 58% of workers who can telecommute do so. In mid-April 2020, this proportion was 78%.

In the wake of the Prime Minister’s announcements, the Minister of Transformation and the Civil Service, Amélie de Montchalin, confirmed in a tweet that they will also apply to civil servants. She even “invites” agents who can to telecommute four days a week, telling their superiors that if they ask, they will have to agree.

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