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Covid, the hub of public transport | Possible new measures to ease the pressure on buses and metro

The annexes to the Dpcm confirm a maximum capacity for public transport “not exceeding 80%” which, however, the CTS points out, in many cases has already translated into 100%. This is why the scientists had asked for a return to 50% employment, a percentage that, according to the Association of Public Transport Companies (Asstra), would penalize users. The CTS, in the last meeting with Minister Speranza, reiterated the “absolute necessity” of checks on buses and metro, relaunching a series of proposals made already in May, such as the staggering of entrances and the opening of the Ztl, measures that this time maybe they will be taken into consideration.

New measures for bus and metro The government, therefore, could intervene well before the expiry of the Dpcm set at 13 November to adopt new measures to ease the pressure on public transport: checks on buses and subways, staggered entry and exit times for offices and high schools, opening of the Ztl, further strengthening of the smart working.

The principals: “Staggered entrances? No later than 9” – As for the schools, the president of the National Association of Principals Antonello Giannelli commented: “You cannot exaggerate by asking schools to start lessons too late. There are needs that must be reconciled: it is reasonable to stagger the entrances over a period of one ‘now, for example by having some enter at 7:45 am and others at 8:45 am. Beyond that, it becomes problematic. “

Bonaccini: “Regions have no faults on transport” Stefano Bonaccini, governor of Emilia Romagna and president of the Conference of Regions, spoke once again on the issue. “We must do everything possible to keep teaching in the presence. The idea of” distance teaching for high schools was legitimately hypothesized by some Regions as an extreme remedy if the government had decided to reduce the capacity currently provided for means of transport. public. Before putting the children back home, every other possibility must be explored “.

On transport “the current capacity – explains a The Republic – was shared in time with the Technical Scientific Committee, together with the safety rules to be adopted on the vehicles, starting with the mandatory use of the mask. After the restart of the schools, of all economic activities and services, it allows to guarantee a service that leaves no one on the ground. But we are ready to collect and examine other proposals “.

Zaia: “Programming distance learning to avoid total stops” Veneto also made its voice heard on this delicate issue. “If the scenario envisaged by the government is true, albeit in a prudential way, we cannot fail to think of securing the world of school as well. So I, with the utmost respect and on tiptoe, raised the question. that I talked about it in the most correct forum, with my fellow governors whose reaction was absolutely positive “, remembers the governor Luca Zaia in an interview with Corriere della Sera. “With the closure of schools, families with minor children went haywire. So why not evaluate in advance a possible plan to do distance learning alternating with face-to-face lessons with older children, aged 16 and over?” the governor wonders. “Let’s talk about it now because it takes time to fine-tune the entire technological part: it’s called programming and optimizing”.

To minister Azzolina, Zaia says that “the opening of schools is a must for all of us, says one who fought for the reopening. The theme is another: if you go on vacation with sunshine for the whole week, you can pack an umbrella in your suitcase anyway. After that, the responsibility lies with the minister and the government since, unfortunately, they have not granted us autonomy “.

Hope: “Smart working and staggered hours” “Urban public transport is a real issue: today there is a meeting between all the regional transport councilors and the competent ministers. We will check the situations and conditions, at the moment my opinion is that we must try to work mainly on two areas: foster the possibility of strengthening smart working, which can be further implemented and used in this phase; and try to encourage and strengthen even more the differentiation of access and entry in public offices and schools “. Health Minister Roberto Speranza said this during a hearing at the Parliamentary Commission for Children and Adolescents.

“I would start from these two paths – the minister specified – trying not to immediately enter into issues concerning the school, which is considered by the government an absolute priority. Anything that can be put in place to address the legitimate issue of transport must be done starting from something other than the school. Then clearly the epidemiological evolution will require ongoing evaluations week after week “, concluded Speranza.

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