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Covid Safe Ticket: which application in the hospital?

1. Do I have to present my CST in all hospitals?

Yes, all hospitals in the Brussels region are concerned, both university and general, specialized or psychiatric hospitals.

2. Do I have to present a CST to benefit from treatment or a consultation in the hospital?

No, it is only the visitor of an inpatient who must present the CST.

3. Who must submit a TSA?

Every visitor to an inpatient is expected to present a CST to enter a hospital.

4. In which cases do I not have to present a CST to enter a hospital?

The spontaneous presentation of a CST is required of all persons not working or not needing the health care and services provided in the hospital.
The exceptions to this principle are as follows:

  • Visitors under the age of 12 at the time of the control
  • Parents of a child under 16
  • Visitors of patients at the end of their life, in palliative care or presenting certain pathologies … on the basis of an assessment by the doctor in charge of the hospital
  • The person who accompanies a vulnerable, fragile or sick person, during the time of care (eg in the emergency room)

5. Why is there an obligation of CST to visit an inpatient?

The Covid Safe Ticket is a health risk management tool that complements vaccination and hygiene measures (hand disinfection, wearing a mask, distance, etc.). Its objective is to protect hospitalized patients, who are by definition more fragile.

In the hospital, the obligation for visitors to present a CST should help strengthen the barriers limiting the entry and circulation of the virus in the institution.

6. If I have a CST, can I stop wearing a mask in the hospital?

At the hospital, the obligation for visitors to present a CST is NOT accompanied by any relaxation whatsoever with regard to the barrier gestures of application.
You must respect the other protective measures requested by the staff.

7. Do I have to present a TSA only on my first visit or every time?

Yes, during each patient visit.

8. Does the hospital have to check me?

Institutions have an obligation to set up a control, visitors have an obligation to show their CST and photo ID, and not to enter without CST.
There is no point in getting angry about the reception or security person who controls you, they only apply a legal text.

9. Will the controller know everything about my state of health? is it recorded?

No recording of data related to the CST of visitors is allowed. The controller only sees if you can enter or not (green screen or red screen on his reader)… he does not know if it is thanks to a vaccine or a covid test etc.

10. What do I risk if I refuse to be checked or if I pass without being checked?

Criminal sanctions are foreseen: visitors who do not spontaneously present at the entrance or will not have allowed their CST to be checked and will have returned to the institution or who have defeated / defrauded the control or who have forced entry without a CST : 50 to 500 € fine.

In case of non-compliance with these rules by a visitor, the management contacts the police to report it.

11. Does CSE end other measures restricting hospital visits?

No. In the context of an epidemic such as COVID, the chief doctors of hospitals can take measures to limit visits and these limitations are not lifted with the arrival of the CST. The CST is an additional measure.

Source : COCOM

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