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Covid, new surge in cases. But 77% are in Lombardy

AGI – A sharp surge in new cases of Covid-19 in Italy, which almost tripled in 24 hours: 518 more today, compared to 177 yesterday, for a total that rises to 234,531. Lombardy’s data weighs more and more, where today there are 402 new cases, even 77.6% of the total, against 84 yesterday. However, in the face of over 19 thousand tampons against 3,410 of 24 hours ago. This is what emerges from the daily bulletin of the Civil Protection.

The number of deaths was stable, 85 today against 88 yesterday, for a total of 33,774. No victims were reported in 9 Regions: Trentino Alto Adige, Sicily, Abruzzo, Umbria, Sardinia, Val d’Aosta, Calabria, Molise and Basilicata. The number of people recovered doubles, 1,886 today (957 yesterday), and there are 163,781 in all. There are currently 36,976 positive people, 1,453 less than yesterday.

And the decline in hospitalizations has continued for two months: there are 202 fewer under the ordinary regime, 5,301 in total, while intensive care drops by another 22 units, falling to 316. Patients in home isolation are 31,359. Finally, more buffers today: 65,028, against 49,953 yesterday, but above all, as mentioned, 19,400 in Lombardy.

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