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Covid Lombardia: bulletin today 7 November. Record with 11,489 new cases and 108 deaths

Milan, 7 November 2020 – On the second day of lockdown Lombardy wakes up more alone, and culturally poorer. During the night, Covid also took away one of its most illustrious “sons in law”: the historic drummer of Pooh Stefano d’Orazio, who in April signed, together with Roby Facchinetti from Bergamo, a hymn to rebirth after the pandemic. In the first weekend in the red zone, in the aftermath of the almost 10 thousand infections touched yesterday, Lombardy is unable to file the curve of the new positives and today records a new record with 11,489 new cases in the last 24 hours (compared to 9,934 yesterday), more than a quarter of the 39,811 registered nationwide. The total number of infections since the beginning of the emergency in Lombardy thus reaches 254,436. While on the front of deaths today there is a significant decline: I’m 108 the victims against 131 yesterday. D.at the beginning of the pandemic the victims in Lombardy thus reached 18,226. I tampones made today are 46,099 (in line with the 46,401 of yesterday), for a total number of 3,218,458. And continues to grow the positive / swab ratio, which exceeds almost 25% (24,9%, against the 21.4% yesterday. But that is not all. There is another indicator that weighs on the choices of the government and on the management of the emergency, and it is the “suffering” of the Lombard hospitals, now collapsing, with the constant growth of hospitalized terapie intensive: +40 places (610 admissions in total), while in the other wards the new admissions are +250 (in total 5,813).

The data of the provinces

Among the Lombard provinces, the most problematic situation still concerns Milano, which today scores a new record of infections with 4.520 new cases (yesterday 4,296), of which 1.758 in the city alone (yesterday 1,763). It doesn’t get better at Monza where the new cases were 1,638, while a Varese there are 1,222 positives in the last 24 hours and a How 891. They follow Brescia with 710 new cases and Pavia with 550. It has Bergamo with 382 new infections, Mantua ne count 359, Lecco 283, Cremona 256, Lodi 207 e Sondrio 135.

The situation in Italy

It is no better in the rest of the country, where they register today 39,811 new cases with 231 thousand tampons and 425 dead. Consistent numbers also on the front of new hospitalizations in intensive care: +119 and in ordinary wards: +1.104. Of all the regions, the Lombardy maintains the sad record even in the second wave of the pandemic, with numbers up to three times higher than the other regions most affected by the virus: the Piedmont today registers 4,437 new cases, the Campania 4,309, on Veneto 3.815

Gallera: sent to Ats to find 1,500 subacute seats

“Lombardia has approved a specific resolution that gives the Ats the mandate of individuare on the Lombard territory 1,500 beds for acute divers and surveillance stays “. He said it the Lombard councilor for Welfare Giulio Gallera, thus ensuring that there will be no admissions of positives in the RSAquite the opposite. The beds will be found “in part by converting ‘no covid’ beds and in part by contracting new ones, precisely – he added – to accommodate positive, asymptomatic or symptomatic patients, also coming from residential facilities for the elderly and disabled”.

Sala, tracking no longer occurs

On the front of the tracking Lombard health care is in trouble, as admitted in recent days by the Milanese Ats. And today the mayor Beppe Sala he presses: “I can say that what works poorly is territorial management so now all citizens who have symptoms are taken to hospital. From what we know then tracking no longer occurs “. Said the mayor speaking to L’Ospite on SkyTg24. “It’s a well-known thing, something that isn’t working right now.” As for the delicate chapter of refreshments for traders affected by the new Dpcm, Sala specified that he will fight to ensure that they arrive quickly. Then he invited citizens to hold on and not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary

Lombardy red zone: sports allowed by the Dpcm

Lockdown in Lombardy: here’s how, when and where you can move

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