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Covid Italy today: contagions on the rise. Coronavirus Bulletin and data of 23 November

Rome, 23 November 2021 – Appointment with the today’s bulletin on the Coronavirus in Italia. Yesterday, like every Monday, i contagion Covid they fell sharply, but the decline is largely attributable to collapse of the tampons carried out. Most likely, therefore, today’s data, which will be released in the late afternoon from Ministry of Health e Civil protection, will show a growth of new cases. The change in hospital pressure will be more significant after yesterday’s sharp rise in hospitalizations and also the number of patients in intensive care.

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As for hospitals, according to the latest data Agents, the occupancy rates of ordinary and intensive care wards are respectively8% he was born in 6%, abundantly below the alert thresholds. However, rates are rising in several regions and is particularly worrying Friuli Venezia Giulia which has both values ​​over the threshold and is likely to turn yellow from next week.

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And while in Germany the situation worsens day by day, today there were another 300 deaths e resuscitations are almost full, in Italy measures are being studied to contain this fourth wave. After theadvance of the administration of the third dose five months after the second, the introduction of the super green pass for vaccinated and cured.

We will publish here, as soon as they are available, the updates of the Ministry of Health and the Pdf table

With 153,509 swabs carried out it is 1.668 the number of new cases of Covid registered in Lombardy, for a positive rate down to 1% (yesterday 1.6%). The number of hospitalized patients in intensive care (+2, 67) and in the wards (+50, 736) is growing. I am 7 deaths, bringing the total to 34,298 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. As for the provinces, 659 positives are reported to Milano (of which 266 in Milan city), 70 in Bergamo, 187 in Brescia, 99 in Como, 68 in Cremona, 35 in Lecco, 35 in Lodi, 84 in Mantua, 124 in Monza, 70 in Pavia, 8 in Sondrio and 172 in Varese.

I am 1.632 i new positives al Coronavirus in Veneto detected against 19,463 molecular swabs and 104,306 antigenic. In the last 24 hours they also register 8 deaths; victims therefore rise to 11,918 since the beginning of the pandemic. The currently positive are 22,652: among these 365 are hospitalized in non-critical wards and 69 patients in intensive care.

In Lazio out of 17,087 molecular swabs and 31,544 antigenic swabs, for a total of 48,631 swabs, 1,456 new positive cases (of which 259 cases in the ASL Roma 1 are previous notifications) e 4 deaths (of which three related to unvaccinated). There are 677 hospitalized (+21), 84 intensive care (unchanged compared to yesterday) and 765 newly recovered. The ratio of positives to swabs is 2.9%, while cases a Roma cities are at an altitude of 931.

Nine deaths and a slight decline in daily Coronavirus cases in Emilia Romagna, which remain below the threshold of one thousand exceeded in recent days. Today i new infections I’m 850 discovered compared to over 36,700 swabs carried out in the last 24 hours. In the first place for positives of the day is the metropolitan area of Bologna with 276 new cases, followed by Forlì-Cesena (151), Modena (108) and Rimini (100). As for hospitalizations, the pressure on intensive care is still growing (63, +6 compared to yesterday), while patients hospitalized in ordinary wards are decreasing (553, -4). The active cases are 15,391 (+566), 96% of which are in home isolation.

I am 750 i positive of the day identified in Campania compared to 33,733 processed swabs. They are also included in today’s bulletin 14 deaths, nine of which occurred in the last 48 hours and five previously, but recorded yesterday. In hospitals, 22 intensive care beds are occupied and 302 patients are hospitalized.

Contagions and healed on the rise, hospitalized decreasing in Piedmont in the data released today by the Crisis Unit of the Region. THE new cases of Covid are 639, 1.1% of the 60 thousand swabs performed, of which 50,517 antigenic. In the last 24 hours they also register three deaths. The pressure on hospitals is decreasing: in intensive care there are 29 hospitalized (-1 compared to yesterday), in the other wards 327 (-10). There are 7583 people in home isolation, 454 newly healed.

Today in Friuli Venezia Giulia have been found 414 new positives to Covid, equal to 1.47% of the 28,151 tests carried out. In detail, 311 infections (4.67%) were detected on 6,663 molecular swabs and 103 cases (0.48%) on 21,488 rapid antigenic tests. Today they also register 5 deaths, all in Trieste. People admitted to intensive care drop to 25 (-1), while patients in other departments are 229 (+6).

In Tuscany I’m 370 i new cases of Covid discovered by the analysis of 8,627 molecular swabs and 30,153 rapid antigenic swabs for a positivity rate equal to 1%. In the last 24 hours they also register 4 deaths: one man and 3 women with an average age of 87.8 years. The currently positive are 8,184 today, + 0.7% compared to yesterday. The hospitalized are 303 (4 more than yesterday), of which 45 in intensive care (1 more).

I am 350 i new cases Covid emerged in the last 24 hours in Liguria from 4,698 molecular swabs and 15,091 rapid antigen tests. Today’s bulletin also reports three victims, who died in Genoa between 17 and 21 November. The number of hospitalized patients is still growing: today there are 5 more hospitalized for a total of 141 patients, 18 of whom are in intensive care. On the other hand, there are 2,782 people in active surveillance.

Today in the Walk register 264 new cases of Covid e 6 deaths.

It does not register no new deaths in South Tyrol, but the circulation of the virus remains high. In the past 24 hours, out of 1,878 molecular swabs and 11,349 antigen tests, have been identified 252 positive cases. Hospital pressure is still growing: 149 patients are hospitalized, two more than yesterday. Of these, 9 are in intensive care, 81 (2 more) in normal hospital wards and 59 in private facilities (post-acute). On the other hand, people in home isolation are 8,888 (+242).

1.09% of the 22,643 tests processed in Puglia gave a positive result: it is 249 new cases, most of which, 83, found in the province of Taranto. Today’s bulletin also reports two deaths which bring the total number of victims since the beginning of the pandemic to 6,878. The currently positive are 3,948: 151 (+2 compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in a non-critical area, 17 in intensive care and the other 3,780 are in home isolation.

the people tested positive al Covid in Calabria I’m 163 more than yesterday and in the last 24 it was not recorded no death. The people hospitalized in the wards are 116, 3 fewer than yesterday, those in intensive care 12. People in home isolation drop: they are 3,631, 80 fewer than yesterday.

I am 115 i contagion Covid discovered today in Abruzzo. In the last 24 hours 2,846 molecular swabs and 13,229 antigen tests were performed for a positivity rate of 0.71%. The budget of deceased patients registers a new case and rises to 2,579 since the start of the pandemic. The currently positive are 3,652 (-67 compared to yesterday): 91 patients (unchanged compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in the medical area, 9 (+1 compared to yesterday) in intensive care, while the other 3,552 (-68 compared to yesterday) are in home isolation.

Four dead and 76 new cases in Sardinia. In Basilicata 37 of the 736 swabs carried out gave a positive result; only one case in Molise. No deaths and 68 infections in Valle d’Aosta. In Umbria 68 new positives were recorded, one victim and 54 recovered. Slight improvement of the hospital situation in Trentino where, however, the infections have exceeded 100 (101).

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