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Covid Italy, first data from the regions. In Tuscany 737 new cases / LIVE – Chronicle

Florence, April 26, 2021 – New cases registered in Tuscany are 737 out of 11,609 tests of which 9,894 molecular swabs and 1,715 rapid tests. The rate of new positives is 6.35% (17.3% on first diagnoses). This is what the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani announced via Facebook.

“Two passwords are needed in view of the reopenings today: trust and prudence. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza. “The word trust because the measures are working and are allowing, albeit slowly, to lower the curve and then there is the vaccination campaign that is proceeding quickly”. “Then we need caution. It is necessary to take one step at a time and evaluate the evolution of the picture: things are improving but there are still many infected, hospitalized and victims. So we must respect all the safety rules otherwise we will nullify all the sacrifices made in recent months. In these weeks starting from tomorrow we must have this double attitude “.

Meanwhile, they are on their way medicines for home treatment. “Anti-covid drugs are on the way, chemical drugs that will also allow you to be treated at home”: said Stefano Vella, professor of Global Health at the Catholic University, interviewed on Sky. The professor expects that they will be available for September: “Like those for HIV – he explained – they are chemical drugs that they can be easily taken by the patient. And they can also be easily reproduced in the various countries if the companies give the authorizations “.

And there is expectation, as always, for new data. Yesterday in Italy there were 13,158 new cases. The deaths were 217, the total number of victims has reached 119,238 since the beginning of the pandemic. There were 239,482 swabs, with the positivity index at 5.49%., Intensive care admissions are still dropping, where there are now 2,862 people (-32 from yesterday), with 114 new entries. The total healed are 3,382,224 are the healed in total (+13,176), 461,212 are currently positive (-236).

Covid Tuscany, in the region yesterday there were 955 more than the previous day (922 confirmed with molecular swab and 33 by rapid antigen test) i new cases of coronavirus / Full Tuscany Bulletin April 25

Outbreak at La Verna, infected friars: cases are rising, hospitalizations continue to decline


Island of Capraia, vaccinations for over 80 and 70

The vaccinations of residents in Capraia Isola began yesterday 25 April: “By tomorrow there will be 66 extremely fragile citizens aged between 70 and 79 who will be vaccinated by the 2 doctors and 2 nurses who oversee the activity on the island “. This is what the North West Tuscany Local Health Authority explains in a note.

Covid, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza has signed a new ordinance banning entry into Italy to those who have been in India in the last 14 days. “Residents in Italy – writes the minister on Facebook – will be able to return with a swab at departure and arrival and with the obligation of quarantine. Anyone who has been in India in the last 14 days and is already in our country is required to undergo a swab by contacting the prevention departments “. Speranza underlined how Italian scientists are working to study the new Indian variant: “We cannot let our guard down. Friday was the record day for cases worldwide with 893,000 positives, 346,000 of which in India”. Meanwhile, the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, urged all citizens to get vaccinated against Covid, calling for the utmost caution during the “storm” of infections that is shaking the country. India has recorded four consecutive records with more than 300,000 new cases per day and the health system is at the end of its life.

CovidStat / Infn Chart:

Full Tuscany Bulletin April 24

With an incidence of 47% of cases Covid for every 100 thousand inhabitants (121 infections out of over 257 thousand residents in the last 24 hours), the territory of the province of Meadow is what counts worst figure in Tuscany. In the region, with 1,003 cases out of 3.692 million inhabitants, the rate today stands at 27.16%. This is what we learn from an infographic published on Telegram by the Tuscan governor Eugenio Giani. Behind Prato, the territory of Siena: 36.58% with 97 infections out of 265,179 residents. Then the area of ​​the Metropolitan City of Florence at 29.93% with 298 out of 995.517 inhabitants, followed by Pistoiese at 29.14% with 85 new infections out of a population of 291.687 units.

“Tuscany is the second region for administration to the over 80s. We have chosen family doctors to vaccinate people with di more than 80 years old privileging the human relationship and proximity, convinced that it was the right choice. To get in full swing it took a few more days, which cost us a lot of controversy and unjust attacks, but the choices, if made with conscience, must be defended. The whole Tuscan health system has never shied away from the climbs and has always been able to tackle even the most difficult ones. Thanks to the great work of family doctors, local health authorities, nurses, all health workers and volunteers committed to making Tuscany safe “. This was stated by the president of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani, on Facebook.

A profile is outlinedItaly dyed yellow starting from Monday 26 April, in conjunction with the announcements reopenings (which relate precisely to the Regions placed in the lowest risk range). According to what is learned, from the weekly monitoring booth of the Ministry of Health-Iss, meeting as every Friday to evaluate the data, a well done picture emerged 16 Regions in the yellow zone, as soon as five in orange and none in red. The regions in orange, therefore forced for now to miss the train of reopening, would be Basilicata (moderate risk, weekly incidence 201 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants), Calabria (high risk, incidence 152), a little surprisingly Sardinia too (high risk, incidence 132) , Sicily (moderate risk, incidence 175) and Val d’Aosta (moderate risk, incidence 227). All other regions are in yellow, namely Abruzzo, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Molise, Marche, Piedmont, Pa Bolzano, Pa Trento, Puglia, Tuscany, Umbria and Veneto.


Meanwhile, the decree with the road map on reopening but the discontent of many productive categories remains. Ignite the battle on the curfew, as known confirmed at 22. Many controversies yesterday. And last night, Minister Mariastella Gelmini at Porta a Porta stressed that “the curfew will not last until July 31st, and we can’t wait to abolish it. A check will be done every two weeks to all the measures provided for by the decree: the first will be in mid-May. Sorry that the curfew controversy has clouded everything else a bit, but this is the reopening decree “.

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