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Covid Italy, bulletin of June 14: update on positive cases, hospitalized and healed

In the last 24 hours in Italy there have been 39,474 cases of coronavirus and 73 deaths. Yesterday there were 10,371 new cases.

The processed swabs are 228,559 (yesterday 74,636) with the positivity rate that jumped from 13.9% to 17.3%. The deaths are 73 (yesterday 41). The total casualties since the beginning of the pandemic thus rise to 167,505.

On the other hand, hospitalizations are still decreasing, following the wave after at least two weeks: intensive therapies are 10 fewer (yesterday +10) with 24 daily admissions, and there are a total of 183. In the ordinary wards there are instead 11 fewer patients (yesterday +92), for a total of 4,199. This is what emerges from the daily bulletin of the Ministry of Health.

The region with the highest number of cases today is Lombardy with 6,204 infections, followed by Lazio (+4.939), Campania (+3.833), Veneto (+3.706) and Sicily (+3.004). Total cases since the start of the pandemic come to 17,703,887. The discharged / healed in the last 24 hours are 52,817 (15,913 yesterday) for a total that rises to 16,932,500. The currently positive are 13,046 less (yesterday -5,286) for a total that drops to 603,882. Of these, 599,500 are in home isolation.

With Covid, Italians’ confidence in vaccines has increased

With the Covid-19 pandemic, Italians’ confidence in vaccinations has increased: more than 9 out of 10 citizens believe vaccines are safe and effective tools. Among the hesitant, 1 in 2 declares themselves open to re-evaluate their choices. Greater dialogue with doctors and pharmacists, clear and transparent information / communication from institutions, the increase in places of administration (pharmacy, workplace and school) and incentives are the factors that emerge as determining factors for increasing the propensity to get vaccinated, even among the hesitant. This is what emerges from the survey, conducted on a sample of 2 thousand citizens, carried out by The European House-Ambrosetti and by the Interdepartmental Center for Ethics and Integrity in Research of the National Research Council (Cnr), in collaboration with Swg, presented in Rome during an event organized by The European House – Ambrosetti with the non-conditioning contribution of Pfizer.

EU, ‘Covid-19 is not over, prepare for the next few months’

“Even if Covid-19 is no longer in the foreground, the pandemic is not over. We need to be ready for the next few months. We will continue to work with and on behalf of our member states to ensure adequate vaccine supplies for their needs, including potential adapted vaccines “. EU Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides wrote on Twitter.

New rapid test to measure immunity to the virus

A new rapid swab that measures the extent and duration of immunity to SARS-CoV-2, therefore capable of providing valuable information on the timing and methods of future vaccinations against Covid-19, particularly in vulnerable individuals. It is the new blood test carried out by researchers at the Mount Sinai Medical University of New York. This test will allow, the researchers promise, large-scale monitoring of population immunity and the efficacy of current vaccines to help design revaccination strategies for vulnerable immunosuppressed individuals. The study was published in Nature Biotechnology. The test takes less than 24 hours to perform and can be used by a wide range of the population.

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