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Covid-influenza vaccine: up to those born in 1956

The fourth dose vaccination process against Covid for the over 60s and the flu vaccine, which is done at the same time, continues to lower the age of recipients, so much so that there are areas of the province where appeals are closing.
In general, those born before 1956, ie those who will turn 66 in 2022, are called to get vaccinated next week. This is the case in the capital and in the basic health areas of Arenas de San Pedro, Arévalo, Candeleda, Fontiveros, Lanzahíta , Las Navas del Marqués, Mombeltrán, Madrigal de las Altas Torres, Piedrahíta and Sotillo de la Adrada.
However, there are other areas of the province where the age is lower, mainly determined by the population living there. In this way, in El Barco de Ávila and Cebreros, people reach 65 years of age.
It should be remembered that these summons are for those over 60, a limit reached in El Barraco, Burgohondo, Muñana, Muñico and San Pedro del Arroyo, so that all the people to be summoned have already been summoned. this call, with next week’s calls.
This does not mean that there will be no more phone calls as happened to Gredos where this week there was an appointment up to 60 years but for the next there is a new phone call, like a reconquest for the same age, but it announces itself as the latest announcement.
In this new phase of vaccination that is taking place in 2022, taking into account the different logistics of the two vaccines that are administered, it was decided to vaccinate in the provincial hospital for the health centers located in the capital, while in Nel the rest of the areas the calls are in the municipality where the main health center is located, regardless of whether it is in these structures or in others, normally provided for by the municipalities.
In addition, when necessary, professionals go to the homes of people with mobility difficulties.
Vaccination notices can be consulted on the Castilla y León Health website.
So far, in Ávila, just over 15 per cent of the population has been vaccinated with the booster dose of the current covid campaign, a percentage that will not increase as much as in previous appointments considering that they are not appeals for the whole world, but for people elderly. In general, more than 90 percent of the population in Ávila already has a full course of the covid-19 vaccine.


Chief town (in the provincial hospital)

Avila station November 16. Born in 1956 and previous years. From 9:00 to 14:00

Ávila Norte November 17. Born in 1956 and previous years. From 9:00 to 14:00

Ávila Rural (excluding the El Barraco area) November 14th. Born in 1956 and previous years. From 9:00 to 14:00

Southeast Avila November 18. Born in 1956 and previous years. From 9:00 to 13:00

Avila southwest November 15. Born in 1956 and previous years. From 9:00 to 14:00

mutualists November 17. Born in 1956 and previous years. From 9:00 to 14:00


Sands of San Pedro November 17. Born in 1956 and previous years. At the Josefina Carabias cultural center. From 9:30 to 14:30

Arevalo November 16. Born in 1956 and previous years. In the municipal pediment. From 9:00 to 14:00

The ship of Avila November 16. People aged 65 or over. In the Juan Arrabal pavilion (opposite the health center). From 10:00 to 13:00

The Barraco (El Barraco and San Juan de la Nava area) November 15. More than 60 years. At the office. From 9:30 to 13:30

Burgohondo November 17. More than 60 years. In the old health center. From 10:00 to 13:00

Candle November 15. Born in 1956 and previous years. In the auditory. From 9:00 to 13:00 Users between 60 and 65 years with pathology at risk, from 9:00 to 13:00.

Cebreros November 17. Over 65 years old. In the Town Hall. From 9:30 to 13:30

Fontiveros November 16. Born in 1956 and previous years. On the pediment, in the pool area. From 11:30 to 13:30

Gredos November 16. Over 60 (last call). In the center El Bonal de Navarredonda. From 9:30 to 12:00

Lanza Hittite November 15 (Gavilanes and Mijares) and November 17 (Pedro Bernardo and Lanzahíta). Born in 1956 and previous years. At the health center. From 10:00 to 12:00

Las Navas del Marques November 16. Born in 1956 and previous years. At the health center. From 9:00 to 13:00

Madrigal of the High Towers November 17. Born in 1956 and previous years. At the Royal Ambigú Hospital. From 10:00 to 12:30

Mombeltran November 16. Born in 1956 and previous years. At the health center. From 10:30 to 14:00

Love November 15. More than 60 years. At the health center. The time at which they must show up will be communicated by telephone.

Doll November 16. More than 60 years. At the health center. From 10:00 to 12:00

Piedraita November 15 and 16 (born in 1956 and previous years), the first day for those over 67 and the second for those over 65. At the health center. From 9:30 to 13:30

San Pedro dell’Arroyo November 17. More than 60 years. At the health center. Contact the health center for vaccination.

Grove of Adrada November 17. Born in 1956 and previous years. In the Plaza de la Concordia (adjacent to the health center). From 9:00 to 13:30

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