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Covid infections in Italy: data on the rise. Coronavirus Bulletin of November 24

Rome, November 24, 2021 – They are growing, despite 127 thousand tampons less than yesterday, and exceed the altitude 12mil, as had not happened since last May, i Covid contagion In the today’s bulletin on the Coronavirus in Italia. The data says ministry of Salute e Civil protection they also show a slight increase in deaths, the highest number since June, and hospital pressure: in fact, both the number of beds occupied in the ordinary departments, even if less clearly than in the past few days, both i hospitalizations in terapie intensive.

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The clinical situation, together with the incidence, seems to condemn the yellow zone from next week on Friuli Venezia Giulia. But interventions, to try to contain the impact of fourth wave that is bringing to its knees much of Europe, will soon be introduced in white area. According to the previews of the control room that met in the morning on super green pass, which is only obtained with vaccination or recovery and no longer with negative tests, should come in already in force in the white area and should be required to access cinemas, theaters, restaurants and hotels. No turn of the screw instead on masks which in white are mandatory only indoors.

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The curve of the Covid in Italy. I new cases I’m 12.448, never so many even since first of May, compared to 10,047 yesterday and above all to 10,172 last Wednesday. 562,505 were carried out tampons, 127 thousand less than yesterday, that is rate of positivity from 1.5% it jumped to 2.2%. THE deaths I’m 85 (yesterday 83), for a total of 133,415 victims since the beginning of the epidemic. The growth of hospitalizations also continues: the terapie intensive there are 13 more (yesterday +11) with 49 admissions of the day, and rise to 573, while i ordinary hospitalizations there are 32 more (yesterday +90) and 4,629 in all. The region with the most cases today is the Lombardy (+2.207), followed by Veneto (+1.931), Lazio (+1.283) and Emilia Romagna (+1.058). THE total infections since the beginning of the pandemic there are 4,954,585. THE healed they are 7,558 (yesterday 6,965) and the currently positive ones are still on the rise, which are 159,317 (4,807 more than yesterday). Of these, I’m in home isolation 154,115 patients.

I am 2.207 i new positives at Covid emerged in the last 24 hours in Lombardy from the analysis of 113,920 swabs. Intensive care patients increased (72, +5), while patients in other wards decreased (729, -7). THE deaths I’m 13 for a total of 34,311 since the start of the pandemic. The new cases by province are a Milano 737 (of which 301 in Milan city), in Bergamo 136, in Brescia 261, in Como 140, in Cremona 128, in Lecco 55, in Lodi 42, in Mantua 72, in Monza and Brianza 220, in Pavia 108, in Sondrio 51 and in Varese 177.

In Veneto in the last 24 hours they registered 1.931 i new infections e 4 victims (11,922 in total since the beginning of the pandemic). The incidence of cases on 90,592 tests performed (23,285 molecular and 67,307 rapid) is 2.1%. The current positives are 23,825, 1,173 more than yesterday. The numbers are also growing on the clinical front: 431 patients are hospitalized in a non-critical area (+19) and 78 (+1) patients in intensive care.

“Today in the Lazio out of 19,734 molecular swabs and 31,525 antigenic swabs for a total of 51,259 swabs, 1,283 new positive cases (-173) e 6 deaths. There are 697 hospitalized (+20), 87 intensive care (+3) and 793 recovered. The ratio of positives to buffers is 2.5%. Cases in the city of Rome are at 605 “. This was announced by the councilor for health Alessio D’Amato, who specified that” out of six deaths, four had not received the vaccination “.

There are still more than a thousand, 1.058, i new infections of Coronavirus in Emilia Romagna, detected with 36,505 swabs in the last 24 hours. The situation of the provinces sees Forlì-Cesena with 202 cases, Rimini with 183 new cases, followed by Bologna, 180 plus 51 from Imola, Ravenna 180. The healed are 466 more, the active cases 15,967 (+578), 96 % in home isolation. The number of dead, 14, from 60 to 96 years. The number of patients admitted to intensive care (63) remains unchanged compared to yesterday, while those in the other Covid departments are 560 (+7).

I am 965 the positives of the day in Campania, detected against 31,981 processed swabs. The victims I’m 5, including four in the last 48 hours and one previously deceased, but registered yesterday. There are 21 hospitalized in intensive care, while 312 hospital beds are occupied.

In Friuli Venezia Giulia today they have been identified 782 almost of Covid. In detail, 716 new infections were detected on 8,959 molecular swabs with a positive percentage of 7.99%. In addition, 15,860 rapid antigenic tests have been carried out, from which 66 cases (0.42%) were detected. They also register 5 deaths. People admitted to intensive care are 26 (+1), while patients in other wards are 232 (+3).

In Sicily leap of new positives: I’m 690 (yesterday 505) the cases that emerged in the last 24 hours from the 26,385 swabs carried out. Today’s bulletin also reports 6 deaths with the total number of victims rising to 7,168 since the beginning of the health emergency. The currently positive are 11,098: among these the hospitalized with symptoms are 343, 41 in intensive care (two of the day).

Today the Region Piedmont he communicated 650 new cases of people tested positive for Covid, equal to 1.3% of 50,762 swabs performed, of which 42,124 antigenic. Of the 650 new cases, 377 are asymptomatic (58%). Six deaths which bring the number of victims since the beginning of the pandemic to 11,876. There are 29 hospitalized in intensive care (unchanged from yesterday), while in the other wards there are 318 (-9 compared to yesterday) patients. There are 7,820 people in home isolation.

I am 412 i new cases emerged in Liguria 5,382 molecular swabs and 9,816 rapid antigen tests. Today’s bulletin reports two deaths, which took place between 7 and 23 November. The number of hospitalized patients is still growing: there are 3 more hospitalized for a total of 144 patients, while the patients in intensive care remain stable at 18 (16 not vaccinated).

In Tuscany I’m 391 i new positives at Covid identified in the last 24 hours from the analysis of 8,905 molecular swabs and 19,290 rapid antigenic swabs for a positivity rate of 1.4%. Today they also register 4 deaths: 4 men, with an average age of 72.3 years. The current positives are 8,100, -1% compared to yesterday. Among these, there are 300 hospitalized (3 fewer than yesterday), of which 47 in intensive care (2 more).

In the Walk have been identified 361 new cases of Coronavirus, 11% compared to 3,283 swabs processed within the path for new diagnoses. It hasn’t been recorded in the last 24 hours no death: the budget since the beginning of the pandemic crisis therefore remains firm at 3,142 deaths. There are 93 patients assisted in hospitals: 23 (+1) are hospitalized in intensive care, 22 in semi-intensive care and 47 (+2) in ordinary wards.

Black day on the front of deaths from Covid in South Tyrol: other four people I’m death in the last 24 hours and the total number of victims, since the beginning of the health emergency, has risen to 1,233. It does not even slow down the circulation of the virus: they are 339 i new infections ascertained on the basis of 2,635 molecular swabs and 6,990 antigen tests. One third of the new cases were detected between young people up to 19 years of age. The pressure on hospitals is also growing: there are 151 hospitalized patients, two more than yesterday, of which 9 in intensive care, 81 in ordinary wards and 61 in private (post-acute) facilities.

Out of 22,533 tests performed in Puglia tested positive 273 people with an incidence rate of 1.2%. The new cases of positivity are distributed as follows: in the province of Bari 69, in the Bat 13, in the province of Brindisi 40, in the Foggiano 45, in the Leccese 53 and in the province of Taranto 52. In the last 24 hours, also two deaths. There are 3,910 currently positive: 144 are hospitalized in a non-critical area, 18 in intensive care and the other 3,748 are in home isolation.

I am 256 i new positives at Covid identified today in Abruzzo from 4,678 molecular swabs and 8,858 antigen tests. The budget of deceased patients registers another case and rises to 2,580 since the beginning of the pandemic. The currently positive are 3,691 (+39 compared to yesterday): 94 (+3 compared to yesterday) are hospitalized in the medical area, 8 (-1 compared to yesterday) in intensive care, while the others 3,589 (+37 compared to yesterday) are in home isolation.

I am 249 i new infections discovered in Calabria out of 5,796 swabs performed. Compared to yesterday, the ratio of swabs made to positive swabs rises (from 3.07% to 4.30%). In the last 24 hours they also register 5 deaths (1,488 since the beginning of the pandemic) and 203 recovered. The currently positive are 3,800 (+41). There are 134 hospitalizations (+7 compared to yesterday), of which 11 in intensive care (-1 compared to yesterday).

Leap of infections in Sardinia where they were detected 206 new positives at Covid, 1.5% of 13,514 tests processed. In the last 24 hours it has also registered a death. Better on the hospital front: the number of patients admitted to intensive care remains stable (13) and the number of hospitalized patients in the medical area is decreasing (43, -5). On the other hand, there are 2,386 cases of home isolation (+156).

Over one hundred (+110) infections in Umbria, where there are also 2 deaths. No deaths and 45 new positives in Basilicata; 53 cases in Molise. In Valle d’Aosta 36 infections and zero victims. In Trentino 151 new cases and hospitalizations in slight decline.

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