Home » today » News » Covid in Naples, a very serious 11-year-old child in Santobono: heart attack, intubated

Covid in Naples, a very serious 11-year-old child in Santobono: heart attack, intubated

An 11-year-old boy from Naples is in intensive care atSantobono hospital of Naples for Covid and is in very serious danger of life. The boy arrived at the hospital last night in a serious condition and today “he had a heart attack, so now he is intubated and sedated”, he explains to Ansa Rodolfo Conenna, general manager of the Santobono.

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«He has respiratory assistance – explains Conenna – he had a heart attack with pneumothorax. Upon arrival at the hospital, from what the parents told us, we estimate that he had had Covid for about a week and therefore had serious symptoms right in the acute phase of Covid, while children usually have a long covid, with vascular damage but not directly respiratory ». The child was also visited today by Giuseppe Fiorentino, director of the respiratory rehabilitation department of the Cotugno infectious disease hospital in Naples. The child remains hospitalized at Santobono also because he is not transferable, but the doctors of the pediatric hospital are in direct contact with the doctors of the hospital specializing in covid.

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