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Covid, how to avoid infections in everyday life- Corriere.it

Zero risk does not exist, especially in an epidemiological context in which infections continue to increase, but net of compliance with the rules contained in the decrees and in the ordinances in force, how can we live with the least possible risks a daily life that is still made up of work, travel, school, meetings and practical needs such as those of taking the means or shopping?

The risk factors not to be underestimated

We know that the privileged places for contagion are home, workplaces, public transport, restaurants, shopping centers, but the specific variables that distinguish the situations are numerous. The general parameters, however, are now known and indicate closed, crowded and poorly ventilated places as factors that increase the risk. Elements such as the residence time and activities performed by the subjects present. So our actions must be geared towards reducing the coexistence of dangers at a given moment: we can increase the distances, ventilate the rooms, decrease the time spent if we do not feel safe or spend time in company in the open air. All without ever forgetting the three fundamental rules that depend on each of us: keep your distance, wash (or disinfect) your hands frequently, always wear a well-fitted mask over your nose and mouth. To safeguard ourselves (when we are in less protected contexts) or the elderly and weak people, we can choose to wear an Ffp2 type mask instead of the classic surgical mask.

Before and after school

In schools and universities i security protocols. In addition to these rules, in a period like this, where the epidemic is rampant, it would be a good habit to wear the mask even in the classroom when sitting in your seat, remembering that speak loudly, scream or sing these are activities considered to be at high risk of contagion. Under the lens, rather than the broadcast in the classroom, there is the time before and after the lessons. What can you afford? Children can playing with each other in the open air in a distant context, without crowding and holding the masks. Outdoors the risk is very low, unless the children touch each other – he explains Antonella Viola, Professor of General Pathology at the University of Padua -. In the afternoon, however, contacts with people who are not from the same family should be limited. The only exception could be that of small gatherings of one or two friends, classmates – he adds Fabrizio Pregliasco, virologist and professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the State University of Milan -, so maintain a “bubble” that it does not expand too much in case of contagion. For the little ones it is better to limit out-of-school sociality, given that under the age of six masks are not mandatory, the exchange of games is in fact the order of the day and the hands often end up in the mouth.

Fragile relatives

The recommendations invite you to protect the elderly and weak people by avoiding seeing each other, but not always possible to miss for a long time nor is it indicated from the point of view of psychological support. With some sacrifices and a temporary one change of habits possible to visit relatives. I hope that the rapid tests arrive at the pharmacy: it would be the best solution, because when I go to visit the parents I can take the test first – hopes Antonella Viola -. While waiting, you have to go to the elderly always keeping a distance and a mask. We have to avoid lunches and dinners, which are particularly at risk, because we laugh, joke and talk without a mask, says Fabrizio Pregliasco. We can see fragile relatives and chat with them, maybe go for a walk. Better to avoid hugs and kisses and we can choose to take turns, one at a time, greeting the grandchildren only by video call.

Public transport

Certainly avoid public transport at rush hour it would be the best option, an opportunity to take the bike, walk, ride a scooter or car (for those who can). Many people are unable to do without public transport for various reasons: they live far away, there are no well-connected cycle paths, they cannot organize themselves differently in the family. So the simple but essential advice: Disinfect your hands before getting on the vehicles and disinfecting themselves again as soon as they leave – says Antonella Viola -. Better not to use gloves, because they give a false feeling of security. If we have them when it’s cold, let’s remember not to touch our face. The distance from each other remains the best weapon: in addition to not getting on too full vehicles, we can avoid talking loudly and we must not lower the mask if we are on the phone. There are no safer places, but seated people can breathe the droplets more emitted by standing passengers – observes Fabrizio Pregliasco -, on the other hand, the latter happen to touch more holds. Ventilation remains essential: where and when it is possible, travel with the windows open makes a difference and, if you can’t avoid the crowd and take the next vehicle, let’s put on one bezel of the type Ffp2, which protects more than surgical ones.


Risks associated with commercial businesses relate to distance and residence time: a crowded supermarket where you spend many minutes in a queue represents a dangerous situation, especially because it is a closed place and not necessarily large. It is always possible to shop online, have it brought, or reduce the stay in stores to once a week, stock up or not enter peak times, but these solutions are not always feasible: we remember the days of waiting for home deliveries or the queues with trolleys outside supermarkets. With the anti Covid-19 regulations, however, the attendance of commercial establishments has been made safer: The entrances are limited, the temperature is often measured – confirms Antonella Viola -, there are dispensers to disinfect hands and separate entrances from the gates of Exit. Perhaps the advice that could be given (but it is up to those who govern) is to put back the rule of not entering more than one person per household. Hand hygiene after having been in a supermarket the most important thing, without falling into exasperation such as keeping the packages out of the window for a few days – says Fabrizio Pregliasco -. Also disinfecting shopping makes no sense, the risk of contagion from contact with objects is very low. Let’s wash our hands.

October 31, 2020 (change October 31, 2020 | 07:16)


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