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Covid: how New York introduces compulsory vaccination in the workplace

Posted on Dec 19, 2019 2021 at 9:00

The measure should be seen as a “preemptive strike”, to use Bill de Blasio’s expression. While cases of new contaminations jump in the United States, the mayor of New York clarified how the some 184,000 companies of the megalopolis of 8 million inhabitants will have to ensure the vaccination of their employees. As of December 27, all employees must have received at least one dose of vaccine. And a second no later than 45 days later.

A certificate of conformity must be placed at the front door of the offices or stores, with a view to possible control. Responsibility for the employer to manage an employee refusing the vaccine. “As long as you keep the worker out of the workplace, it’s up to you to decide whether to fire this worker or whether he can contribute to your business while working remotely,” says the town hall. Companies failing to comply will face a fine of $ 1,000 “and escalating penalties if violations persist.”

The strictest rule in the land

With this measure, the city will have the strictest regulations in all of the United States. Joe Biden has tried to impose vaccination in companies with more than 100 employees across the country, but the provision is being challenged in court and for the time being suspended. It also provided for an alternative for the recalcitrant (a weekly test), which the mayor of New York does not propose.

The municipality has already gradually imposed vaccination on all staff in hospitals and schools, then on City officials. An agreement with the unions has framed the exemptions, and staff refusing to be vaccinated are placed on availability, without pay. The operation caused quite a stir, but these measures contributed to a high vaccination rate – only 10% of adults received no dose .

New Yorkers adopted masks early in the spring of 2020, and restaurants did not budge when the health pass was imposed on their customers last September. Large groups have also already established vaccination obligations for their employees, especially in the banking sector on Wall Street.

However, some business representatives criticized a lack of consultation ahead of Bill de Blasio’s surprise announcement on December 6. The mayor also passes the baton to his successor Eric Adams on 1is January, and he did not say whether he would fully endorse the measure.

“Vaccine truck”

Until then, employers are encouraged to keep a register with each employee’s name and vaccination dates, and only medical or religious grounds can justify an exemption. Lone workers are not affected by the measure, but shared offices like WeWork will need to verify that their customers are vaccinated. After having had a health questionnaire filled out for months at the height of the epidemic, WeWork today does not require any declaration to enter its premises.

Beyond employees, the rules are also toughened for consumers. As of December 14, children aged 5 to 11 must show proof of vaccination – at least a first dose – to enter a restaurant or museum. Mobile trucks are also parked near some schools to vaccinate the youngest. From the age of 12, adolescents will have to display two doses of the vaccine from December 27 (only one dose was required until now). And faced with the rebound of the epidemic, it is also a question of ensuring that the vaccinated receive their “booster”.

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