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Covid: Hope, on December 2 I present the vaccine plan – Health

“We have to resist for a few more months, but Covid will be defeated thanks to scientific research”. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, speaking at the online meeting ‘Future health between innovation and research’, organized by RCS Academy. The conclusion of the vaccine trials and their distribution, he said, “will allow us to open a different phase”.

I will be in Parliament on December 2nd to present the strategic vaccine plan we are building – he specified – Italy started working in May to promote a European initiative in the field of vaccines. It was the prime mover of the European Commission’s initiative which began building contacts with pharmaceutical companies that are developing vaccines. “

“We cannot afford another wave in early 2021, for this reason the utmost prudence must remain “. For Hope” the situation is still very serious with still significant pressure on the National Health Service, the circulation of the virus is still high and therefore we cannot let our guard down “. However, it is true that for the past few weeks, he added, “we have been seeing encouraging signs, with the RT falling from 1.7 to 1.4, 1.18 in the past week, and it is possible that this week there is still a lower number. The lower Rt translates into a more encouraging situation also for access to emergency rooms and occupied beds in the medical and intensive care area, where a first element of countertrend is beginning to be reported. “The situation is therefore very serious, he continued. , “we cannot let our guard down and afford lightness. The measures we have taken in recent weeks are starting to have an effect. We have a signal of stabilization and reduction in RT, which is the first sign of a pressure that will be lower in the coming weeks. The game is still very tough, but we are following the path in the right direction, without committing lightness and escapes forward. “

Speranza reiterated his “great confidence in the regulatory agencies responsible for ensuring the safety of vaccines, which in Europe and Italy are the EMA and Aifa. When they have completed the process, the vaccine made available will be a safe vaccine, and we we will have to work to build a very large vaccination campaign in our country “. It won’t come right away for everyone, but you will have a few million doses in the beginning. For example, from Pfizer 3.4 million will arrive, and since two are needed per person, “1.7 million people can be vaccinated. We will start from categories most at risk of catching viruses, such as healthcare personnel, the elderly and those with the most diseases. “. It is the path, he concluded, “that will allow us to open a different phase”.

Unlike the other vaccines, the purchase of which is made at a regional level, for anti-Covid “the purchase – specified Speranza – will be centralized and managed by the state”. Numerous contracts have been signed “and others will be signed shortly. Like Italy – he announced – we will have 13.65% of the vaccines already optioned in Europe”.

“We presented to Parliament, both in the Chamber and in the Senate – he added – a plan that can be financed with all the levers we have, with the State Budget, the Recovery Fund and the Mes, which for me is an instrument to which we must look at with absolute serenity. We must close with the cutting season and open a new great season of investments “.

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