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Covid has not entered movie theaters

With 420 thousand tickets sold last weekend, less than 10% of what was accounted for in the prepandemic, Mexican cinemas close the year trying to recover.

From March 25 to December 6, according to a report by the National Chamber of the Cinematographic Industry, there were 11.1 million tickets sold, against the 266 million tickets registered in the same period last year.

Until today, the Chamber comments, they have not had any incidence of Covid-19 cases.

For now, according to Canacine (for its acronym), eight out of 10 rooms in the country are open. Baja California and Zacatecas, with a red traffic light, have closed cinemas the same as Nuevo León, which lowered the curtain on its own from the 3rd to the 21st.

For two weeks in the Mexican capital, cinemas have their last show at 7:00 p.m. Starting tomorrow, in the State of Mexico, the complexes will close at 5:00 p.m. for the next two weeks.

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