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Covid Great Britain: it is Freedom day. Everyone is free in discos, pubs and clubs

London, July 19, 2021 – From midnight, as widely announced, the Great Britain said goodbye to most of the anti-Covid restrictions that still plague the rest of the world. Freedom Day (freedom day), the British renamed it: enough mandatory masks, green light in discos, bars and restaurants, pubs. In short, free gathering, and the first to fill up were, of course, the night clubs. From one minute past midnight (one in Italy) the UK looked like a huge open-air nightclub, with people going in and out of pubs and music blasting from every club. Without the shadow of a mask, obviously.

Covid, the bulletin in Italy of 19 July

Covid Delta variant, the world is shaking. But England reopens

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The reopening was strongly defended by the British premier Boris Johnson despite the alarm of the experts. Too bad that, just on the eve of “free all”, BoJo ran into a fool only partially mitigated by the almost immediate turnaround. Johnson, who had come into contact with Health Minister Sajid Javid (positive result), he first attempted to escape the isolation imposed on all Britons by joining a ‘pilot program’ that allowed him to work on Downing street as nothing had happened, with the sole obligation to carry out daily anti-Covid tests. Then he had to give in, pressured by Labor protests.

And so, from its isolation, it has urged the British to remain cautious, in the face of the surge in registered cases, arrived at exceed 50 thousand per day. Indeed, thanks to the blanket vaccination campaign, hospitalizations in Great Britain are manageable. But Neil Ferguson, a scientist at Imperial College London, has been warning for days that it is “almost inevitable” for Great Britain to reach 100,000 cases a day and a thousand hospitalizations because the Delta variant is out of control. “The real question is: can we double (the number) or even more? And this is where the crystal ball begins to fail,” the expert told the BBC. “We could reach 2,000 hospitalizations a day and 200,000 cases, but it is much less certain,” he added.

“There is no perfect time”

Nadhim Zahawi, British undersecretary for vaccines, defended the lifting of anti-Covid restrictions in England in the face of alarms from experts who are watching with concern at the rapid rise in infections. “It is a step forward, an important step, there is no perfect time to do it. It is a good time like any other,” he told SkyNews, recalling that schools are closed for the holidays. “I am confident that we are doing the right thing,” he added, urging “to keep the mask in crowded places” and exercise “responsibility”.

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Please: common sense is needed

The virologist speaks out against the British freedom day Fabrizio Pregliasco speaking to Cusano Italia Tv: “We knew that this virus would keep us company for some time, but I didn’t think it would start again so quickly to determine such a high rate of infections”, he declares. “You don’t have to be like Johnson who, in an imprudent way, has called ‘freedom day’ from 19 July, but make sure that there are particular attention in gathering situations and bring the mask with you a bit like sunglasses, using it when needed. “And he adds:” We have evidence of the difference between the countries that have vaccinated en masse and those that have not done so as the Russia. We are in quite good shape for now because we were the last to reopen from the lockdown, I hope that there can be more attention on tracking even if it is destiny that this virus will give it again. ”

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