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Covid, from tomorrow vaccine to the police

Health – From 1 March AstraZeneca vaccines by family doctors

Coronavirus vaccine

Coronavirus vaccine

Roma – We receive and publish – The vaccinations of the police forces will start tomorrow.

Vaccinations under the age of 55 for the forces of order and police start tomorrow, in coordination with the prefectures. The interested audience is over 40 thousand operators. It starts in Rome and in all the provinces.

Tweet prefecture of Rome: “Always alongside those close to us, the prefecture of Rome with the Lazio region together for the first AstraZeneca vaccinations to under 55 police, cc, gdf and vvf operators. From tomorrow over 800 doses / day, increasing in the coming days for local police officers, in 5 hubs in the province “.

Agreement with all general practitioners who have all been vaccinated and immunized, starting from March 1st with the AstraZeneca vaccine for the 1966 class.

With the available doses, two age groups of 180,000 patients can be done every month, but the potential is at least five times higher, just think that in the anti-flu campaign in just over two months the general practitioners have vaccinated over 1 million and 600 thousand people assisted. This means that if we had the doses available we could vaccinate about 30,000 patients per day.

Today we are reaching 280 thousand doses administered in Lazio and over 116 thousand people have received the calls. On salutelazio.it the daily counter for vaccinations.

Vaccinations over 80: the first 50 thousand vaccinations reached, is a record in Italy. To date, over 252 thousand elderly people have made the booking (plus 14 thousand home requests). On the website salutelazio.it it is possible to find the counter in real time of the number of bookings made for those over 80. All the info and faq on the website salutelazio.it. Tomorrow the activity of the vaccination center will start at the auditorium – music park.

Lazio region

February 14, 2021

Coronavirus February 2021 … Articles

  1. “Today in Lazio 11 deaths, 809 cases and 1831 recovered”
  2. Coronavirus, intensive care increases
  3. “12% of Lazio over 80s vaccinated, peaks of 20% in the Viterbo area”
  4. Today 37 positive, a 51 year old from Orte died
  5. Two other deaths in upper Lazio
  6. Coronavirus, today 13 thousand 532 new cases and 311 deaths
  7. “Vaccination by family doctors begins on March 1”
  8. “In Lazio 1060 new cases and 21 deaths”
  9. “Vaccini, Mazzetta’s premises are large and allow you to work safely”
  10. Today 29 cases, 26 recovered and one victim
  11. Viruses in schools, mayors close them
  12. Diffusion of variants, maximum alert in Tuscia
  13. Coronavirus, positive rate down to 4.5%
  14. More infected than cured, another seven positive in Montefiascone
  15. Six died in upper Lazio, the youngest was 55 years old
  16. The vaccination center at Grotticella has started: here the immunization of the priority categories
  17. Coronavirus on the rise, today 15 thousand 146 new cases
  18. “Efficacy of all vaccines available today in Italy including that of Astrazeneca”
  19. “Lazio remains in the yellow zone but maximum attention must be paid to prevention measures”
  20. “Today 10% of those over 80 will be vaccinated”
  21. Covid cases in the school, the nursery school in Orte Scalo closed
  22. Twenty-nine cases, three deaths and sixty-nine recovered
  23. 11 thousand infected since the beginning of the pandemic, 3 thousand in the capital
  24. Under 55, first 290 vaccines in the center of Grotticella
  25. Coronavirus, today 12 thousand 956 new cases and 336 deaths
  26. “From tomorrow the Astrazeneca vaccine for doctors and health professionals under 55”
  27. “Covid in Lazio, we expect to stay in the yellow zone”
  28. New increase in infections: today there are 56, two dead
  29. Positive family after celebrating a birthday
  30. If a senior does not show up for the appointment, the vaccine goes to a “bench boy” …
  31. Coronavirus: new cases are on the rise, today they are 10 thousand 630
  32. “Vaccination over 80, Lazio first Italian region”
  33. “Today in Lazio 33 deaths, 847 cases and 3318 recovered”
  34. Coronavirus, today 9 cases and three deaths – 77 negativized patients
  35. Over 70, bookings open in February – Under 55, a vaccinated age group every two weeks
  36. “Today in Lazio over 9 thousand vaccinated”
  37. Via vaccines for the elderly, the centenary Angela is the symbol of the day
  38. “Fewer cases but more deaths and hospitalized in intensive care”
  39. Coronavirus, new cases drop but hospital admissions rise
  40. Virus down again: today just nine cases – Two more victims
  41. Lugnano in Teverina in the red zone with zero cases, the mayor: “It’s tragicomic”
  42. Asl di Viterbo, four million euros for Covid tampons
  43. Screening in schools, three positives – Three classes in quarantine
  44. Vaccines for the over 80s, unknowns about the campaign for the under 55s
  45. Coronavirus, 11 thousand 641 new cases and 270 deaths
  46. “Today in Lazio 920 new cases, 20 deaths and 3 thousand 985 recovered”
  47. Vaccino over 80, 192 bookings from Viterbo for the first day
  48. Contagions on the rise, today 60 new cases and 6 deaths
  49. Positive down but another 4 deaths in northern Lazio
  50. Full house in the center and in the restaurants for the first weekend in the yellow zone
  51. Coronavirus, the positivity rate drops to 4.8%
  52. “In Lazio, cases and intensive care are decreasing, deaths and hospitalizations are increasing”
  53. Today 41 cases: 11 in Civita Castellana and 8 in Viterbo, 3 dead
  54. Covid, mass vaccination center at the Marcantoni shopping center
  55. 1,800 doctors and nurses of the ASL were immunized
  56. Less than a thousand currently positive, but the first weekend in the yellow zone is worrying
  57. Coronavirus, today 14 thousand 218 cases and 377 deaths
  58. In Lazio 1141 cases, 36 deaths and 2 thousand 310 recovered
  59. “Vaccine for under 55s, administrations by age group and priority categories”
  60. Virus down again, today just nine cases – Death two more women
  61. Positive two minors – Elementary school class in quarantine
  62. Over 80 not self-sufficient, 150 asked to be vaccinated at home
  63. Coronavirus, in Italy the total victims have exceeded 90 thousand since the beginning of the emergency
  64. “Today 1174 positives: if there is no penalty, you risk the orange zone”
  65. Covid: today no deaths and 56 healed, 37 positive
  66. Covid on the rise and 8 deaths in northern Lazio, but there is a boom in healed
  67. New cases date back, the number of victims stable
  68. Cases and hospitalizations increase, in Lazio today 1164 positive
  69. “Covid, rapid antigen tests in upper secondary schools”
  70. Covid on the rise, today 50 new cases and 4 deaths including a 57-year-old
  71. “In Lazio at 12 we exceeded the quota of 150 thousand reservations”
  72. Positive guest of an RSA, in a few days he would have received the second vaccine
  73. Free swabs for students and teachers, mobile units in institutions
  74. Over 80, in Tuscia one in four wants to get vaccinated against Covid
  75. “Coronavirus, 52 dead in Lazio today, 842 positive and 1507 recovered”
  76. Coronavirus, today 9660 and 499 dead
  77. “One over 80 out of 4 has booked the vaccine, 4,645 in Tuscia”
  78. Today in Tuscia 19 positive and 50 cured, two dead
  79. Less than 100 cases in all the municipalities of Tuscia, except in the capital
  80. Vaccine for the over 80, in Tuscia more than 3 thousand “lucky” people managed to book
  81. Coronavirus, hospital admissions rise again
  82. You can have lunch at the restaurant but it is forbidden to leave the region

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