The goal is to extend the time of the benefits granted by the Covid emergency especially to meet companies in crisis. At the time of the first lockdown, the Conte government had frozen the deadlines for paying files and executive assessments, stopping the collection machine. This benefit also included those who had not respected payments before the “Covid date”, March 8, 2020.
At a later stage, explains the “Messaggero”, the deferral was made possible with a new request by 31 December 2021. Now the Milleproroghe offers the possibility to apply for installments by 30 April. The benefit, in this case, will however be lost after five unpaid installments and not, as previously, after ten.
The same benefit also for loans of up to 30 thousand euros to small businesses. In this case, a deadline is foreseen for the repayment of the capital, which starts not earlier than 24 months from the disbursement: first, only the interest is paid. In this case, it will be possible to extend the term for another six months.
Prime case – Finally, there are the concessions on the first houses. Also for first home loans, with the pandemic emergency it was possible to suspend the payments of the installments, starting from January 1st. The suspension extends the benefit until March 31st.