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Covid Europe and the fourth wave. Vaccine, test and lockdown: strategies

London anticipates the third dose of the vaccine, Germany sets up the army, Austria decides on the lockdown by today for unvaccinated. The fourth covid wave scares Europe and each country, grappling with thousands of infections, launches its own strategy to deal with the emergency.

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Record infections have pushed the Germany to restore swabs and tests for free, deleted a few weeks ago. The country archives a day with 45,081 new cases and a record incidence: 277.4 positive per 100 thousand inhabitants. The picture, completed by another 228 dead, sets off the new alarm bell.

“We have difficult weeks ahead of us,” Chancellor Angela Merkel said, urging those who have not yet done so to get vaccinated. The Chancellor stressed that the situation is almost as serious as it was a year ago, when a partial lockdown, which lasted months, was necessary. And yet, he added, the Germans now have the weapon of vaccines at their disposal. “We need to take advantage of it quickly. I ask you to please join in and convince your family and friends,” Merkel said.

To manage the situation, Germany is preparing to mobilize 12,000 soldiers to help health services. Der Spiegel anticipated that the military will go into action by Christmas. Among the tasks assigned to them is the supply of third doses of vaccine and tests for retirement homes and hospitals. At the moment the military in the field are 630.


London anticipates third dose of covid vaccine. The government will allow citizens to receive the booster dose 5 months – and not 6 – after the conclusion of the ordinary course of vaccination. The goal, writes the Guardian, is to reduce the pressure on the health service and hospitals as winter approaches.

It is unclear whether the new directive will only apply to England or whether it will be extended to the whole of the United Kingdom. In any case, for millions of people, the third dose is bound to arrive early. Across the Channel 12 million third doses have already been administered, but the process – according to the health system – must be streamlined and speeded up. Meanwhile, 38,351 new infections were recorded in the last 24 hours and 157 deaths attributed to cCovid in the same period of time.


Today is a key day in Austria: the green light is expected in Vienna to trigger the lockdown for the unvaccinated starting tomorrow Monday 15 November. According to a draft proposal, the measures would remain in force until November 24, the agency Dpa anticipates. The waistline is essential “to avoid the collapse of the health system”.

The federal government will discuss the text today with the leaders of the regions, the process should not be shaken and the green light should arrive in the evening. The rules are known: those who are not vaccinated or cured of Covid will be able to leave the house, as in previous lockdowns, to work, shop or in case of emergencies, to be outdoors for physical or mental health needs or to practice a religious cult. Children under 12 are excluded.


In France, the spotlight is on intensive care: the number of patients hospitalized in a critical area has increased to 1,202. For the rest, 234 people have been hospitalized in France in the last 24 hours due to covid, as announced by the health authorities. Over the past seven days, the average has been 314 admissions per day, a number that appears to have stabilized, as does that of the death toll among the hospitalized, 33 per day.

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