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Covid deaths and infections stop in Juárez

Alejandro Vargas
The Journal of Juárez

Monday, May 04, 2020 | 13:09

Juarez City- Deaths from Covid-19 in Ciudad Juárez remained at 80 this morning, and cases on this border went from 399 to 400, reported Arturo Valenzuela Zorrilla, medical director of Zona Norte.

He indicated that at the state level the data continued in 98 deaths, while the incidences rose from 597 to 600; He indicated that there is to stay at home to reduce infections in this city, so that the resources of public and private hospitals are sufficient for these patients.

In turn, the capital maintained 14 deaths, and grew from 153 to 155 cases. The rest of incidents, in Bachiniva (6), Delicias (5), Guachochi (4), Parral (4), Cuauhtémoc (3, a deceased), Meoqui (3), Ahumada (2), Namiquipa (2), Ascensión (1, deceased), Bocoyna (1), and Buenaventura (1).

Likewise, Camargo (1, deceased), Guadalupe (1, deceased), Guerrero (1), Julimes (1), Madera (1), Ojinaga (1), Saucillo (1), Temosachic (1), Galeana (1) , Guadalupe y Calvo (1), Nuevo Casas Grandes (1), Rosales (1), and Jiménez (1); It was also urged to maintain a healthy distance and correct hygiene, since this month the highest peak of infections and deaths from the pandemic viral disease is expected.

Covid-19 Chihuahua

Positive cases 600

Deaths 98

Negative Cases 942

Suspicious Cases 314

Recovered Cases 40


Juarez 400 (80 finados)

Chihuahua 155 (14 finals)

Bachiniva (6)

Delights (5)

Guachochi (4)

Parral (4)

Cuauhtémoc (3, deceased)

Meoqui (3)

Smoked (2)

Namiquipa (2)

Ascension (1, deceased)

Bocoyna (1)

Buenaventura (1)

Camargo (1, deceased)

Guadalupe (1, deceased)

Warrior (1)

Julimes (1)

Wood (1)

Ojinaga (1)

Saucillo (1)

Temosachic (1)

Galeana (1)

Guadalupe and Calvo (1)

New Big Houses (1)

Rosales (1)

Jiménez (1)

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