Home » today » News » COVID DATA IN CORUÑA Galicia started July with about 15,000 active cases of COVID and 669 hospitalized for coronavirus and there are currently less than 9,000 active infections but also 778 patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 in Galician hospitals , as well as the total number of people affected has decreased by 40% so far this month, but hospitalizations have increased by 16%, although hospitalizations have been declining for several days. And since July 1, 161 people with COVID have died in Galicia after Sanidade confirmed 21 deaths today, bringing the number of coronavirus deaths in the Galician community to 3,764 since the start of the pandemic. article RELATED ARTICLE – 68451319 – GALICIA STARTS THE WEEK WITH 816 HOSPITALIZED WITH COVID, 180 IN THE CORUÑA AREA / The data offered this Tuesday by Sergas confirm the downward trend in daily infections, active cases and hospital pressure due to COVID . After a day with 502 positives – the average of the last week exceeded 800 – and 1,541 discharges, Galicia drops to 8,981 active cases (-1,058). They are 5,500 less than a week ago and 9,000 less than at the beginning of the month. CONTAGIONS AND ACTIVE CASES LOWER All Galician health areas are already under 2,000 active infections after the A Coruña area dropped today to 1,829 (-260) after a day with 89 positives and 343 resignations, as well as four deaths that mark a balance of 864 deaths from COVID since the beginning of the epidemic. And the data on daily infections is still below the average of the last seven days and the peaks of the previous weeks, when the seventh wave was reaching its crest. FREE HTML Widgets For health areas, 1,829 active cases are calculated in A Coruña (-260), 1,423 in Santiago (-185), 1,353 in Ourense (-151), 1,345 in Lugo (-141), 1,233 in Vigo (-148 ), 908 in Pontevedra (-114) and 868 in Ferrol (-56). And the daily contagions now register double-digit figures in all cases, which represents a notable reduction after several weeks above the hundred in all areas and with highs of over 200,300 and up to 400 daily positives in demarcations such as the coruñesa Oggi Sanidade reports 89 positives in A Coruña, 85 in Santiago, 80 in Lugo, 77 in Ourense, 71 in Vigo, 54 in Ferrol and 45 in Pontevedra. HOSPITALS The occupation of beds by coronavirus patients also decreases. Sanidade today reports a total of 778 hospitalized with COVID in Galician hospitals, 38 fewer than yesterday. That’s about 150 less than a week ago – 75 deaths have been confirmed in the last seven days –

COVID DATA IN CORUÑA Galicia started July with about 15,000 active cases of COVID and 669 hospitalized for coronavirus and there are currently less than 9,000 active infections but also 778 patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 in Galician hospitals , as well as the total number of people affected has decreased by 40% so far this month, but hospitalizations have increased by 16%, although hospitalizations have been declining for several days. And since July 1, 161 people with COVID have died in Galicia after Sanidade confirmed 21 deaths today, bringing the number of coronavirus deaths in the Galician community to 3,764 since the start of the pandemic. article RELATED ARTICLE – 68451319 – GALICIA STARTS THE WEEK WITH 816 HOSPITALIZED WITH COVID, 180 IN THE CORUÑA AREA / The data offered this Tuesday by Sergas confirm the downward trend in daily infections, active cases and hospital pressure due to COVID . After a day with 502 positives – the average of the last week exceeded 800 – and 1,541 discharges, Galicia drops to 8,981 active cases (-1,058). They are 5,500 less than a week ago and 9,000 less than at the beginning of the month. CONTAGIONS AND ACTIVE CASES LOWER All Galician health areas are already under 2,000 active infections after the A Coruña area dropped today to 1,829 (-260) after a day with 89 positives and 343 resignations, as well as four deaths that mark a balance of 864 deaths from COVID since the beginning of the epidemic. And the data on daily infections is still below the average of the last seven days and the peaks of the previous weeks, when the seventh wave was reaching its crest. FREE HTML Widgets For health areas, 1,829 active cases are calculated in A Coruña (-260), 1,423 in Santiago (-185), 1,353 in Ourense (-151), 1,345 in Lugo (-141), 1,233 in Vigo (-148 ), 908 in Pontevedra (-114) and 868 in Ferrol (-56). And the daily contagions now register double-digit figures in all cases, which represents a notable reduction after several weeks above the hundred in all areas and with highs of over 200,300 and up to 400 daily positives in demarcations such as the coruñesa Oggi Sanidade reports 89 positives in A Coruña, 85 in Santiago, 80 in Lugo, 77 in Ourense, 71 in Vigo, 54 in Ferrol and 45 in Pontevedra. HOSPITALS The occupation of beds by coronavirus patients also decreases. Sanidade today reports a total of 778 hospitalized with COVID in Galician hospitals, 38 fewer than yesterday. That’s about 150 less than a week ago – 75 deaths have been confirmed in the last seven days –

Galicia started the month of Giulio with nearly 15,000 active cases of COVID and 669 hospitalized with coronavirus and currently there are less than 9,000 active infections but also 778 patients hospitalized with SARS-CoV-2 in Galician hospitals, so the total number of sick people has decreased by 40% so far this month but hospitalizations have increased by 16%, although hospitalizations have been declining for several days. And since July 1, 161 people with COVID have died in Galicia after Sanidade confirmed 21 deaths today, bringing the number of coronavirus deaths in the Galician community to 3,764 since the start of the pandemic.

The data offered this Tuesday by Sergas confirms the downward trend in daily infections, active cases and hospital pressure due to COVID.

After a day with 502 positives – last week’s average was over 800– and 1,541 resignations, Galicia drops to 8,981 active cases (-1,058). They are 5,500 less than a week ago and 9,000 less than at the beginning of the month.


All Galician health areas are already below 2,000 active infections later lower today the area of ​​A Coruña to 1,829 (-260) after a day with 89 positive and 343 resignationsfurthermore four dead which show a toll of 864 deaths with COVID since the beginning of the epidemic. And the data on daily infections is still below the average of the last seven days and the peaks of the previous weeks, when the seventh wave was reaching its crest.

For health areas, 1,829 active cases are calculated in La Coruña (-260), 1.423 in Santiago (-185), 1.353 in Ourense (-151), 1.345 in Lugo (-141), 1.233 in Vigo (-148), 908 in Pontevedra (-114) and 868 in Ferrol (-56).

And the daily contagions now register double-digit figures in all cases, which represents a notable reduction after several weeks above the hundred in all areas and with highs of over 200,300 and up to 400 daily positives in demarcations such as the coruñesa Oggi Sanidade reports 89 positives in A Coruña, 85 in Santiago, 80 in Lugo, 77 in Ourense, 71 in Vigo, 54 in Ferrol and 45 in Pontevedra.


The occupancy of hospital beds by coronavirus patients also decreases. Sanidade today reports a total of 778 hospitalized with COVID in Galician hospitals, 38 fewer than yesterday. They are about 150 fewer than a week ago – 75 deaths were confirmed in the last seven days – and 109 fewer (-16%) than when July began – so 669 were hospitalized – -, although 161 dead so far this month must be counted. There are 748 hospitalized in the ward and 30 in intensive care (-2).

Hospitals in the health area of A Coruña and Cee continue to be those who take care of the largest number of patients hospitalized with COVID, 162 (-18) of which 8 in intensive care. All are treated at the University Hospital of A Coruña (Chuac) with the exception of 7 patients who are at the Cee hospital, 7 at the HM Modelo and 2 at the Quirón, all in the ward.

The second hospital demarcation with the highest number of hospitalized patients with COVID is Ourense, Verín, O Barco de Valdeorras, with 127 (-4), six of them critical (two fewer).

The number of people hospitalized in the Lugo, A Mariña and Monforte area dropped to 110 (-1), of which three remain in intensive care; in Santiago-Barbanza they drop to 101 (-8), with four in intensive care; that of Pontevedra-O Salnés registers 112 hospitalized patients (-5), of which 5 are critics; that of Vigo rises to 84 (+1), four of which in intensive care; and the one in Ferrol takes care of 60 patients hospitalized with COVID (-2), without any patient in intensive care.


The Galician Health Service (Sergas) today reported another 21 deaths from COVID-19 in Galicia. These are deaths recorded in recent days, since last Wednesday, July 13. According to data recorded by the Ministry of Health, the deceased were between 70 and 97 years old and all had previous pathologies.

Specifically, Sergas reported two deaths last Wednesday: an 82-year-old man in the health area of ​​Ferrol and a woman of 92 in the health area of ​​Santiago and Barbanza. On July 14, a 94-year-old man died in the health area of ​​Pontevedra and O Salnés.

Likewise, on the 15th there were six deaths between the ages of 75 and 96 in the health areas of A CoruñaLugo, Ourense, Santiago and Vigo. On Saturday the Ministry reported seven deaths with COVID-19 in Pontevedra, Ourense, Lugo, A Coruña and Vigo. They were all between 80 and 97 years old.

Finally, on Sunday four people between 78 and 94 years old died in Ourense, Pontevedra, A Coruña and Santiago, while on Monday Sergas reported the death of a 97-year-old man in Vigo.

Thus, the list of victims of the pandemic registered on the Sergas website reaches 3,764 deaths. Faced with this, since the beginning of the health crisis, 653,144 people in Galicia have been cured of COVID-19.

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