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Covid and holidays, what doctors recommend before it’s too late

We are now at the gates of Christmas and to avoid problems such as the covid infection, the doctors have given some advice to put into practice before it is too late.

We haven’t completely gotten out of the Coronavirus nightmare yet, so it’s good to pay attention to what we do during the holidays.

Covid and Party – Source AdobeStock

This year we are dealing with different types of viruses, namely that flu (which has already brought the levels of contagion to rather critical thresholds) but also the Respiratory syncytial virus and finally the Covidfrom which we are not yet completely safe.

Since the holidays are now imminent, experts advise to be especially careful to what we do to avoid a major surge in cases that could jeopardize celebrations and crowd hospitals. So here’s what we absolutely must do before it’s too late.

Covid, here’s what you have to do during the Christmas holidays so you don’t risk it

In recent weeks we have seen a profound change anticovid normswhich now no longer provide for prolonged isolation but above all thecancellation of the obligation to undergo a swab after the “quarantine” period to be able to go out in total freedom. However, having arrived at the gates of Christmas, experts advise us to be especially careful if we are dealing with frail and elderly people.

Covid and Festa - Source AdobeStock
Covid and Party – Source AdobeStock

In this regard, the Minister of Health Horace Schillaci has recently intervened to underline the importance of wear a mask during this timeespecially when we are in crowded public places or if we meet people we haven’t seen before – even more so if we plan to spend the Christmas holidays with fragile or particularly aged relatives.

On the same. The well-known virologist also spoke Robert Burioniwho recommended carrying out the anti-Covid test before sharing the table with our parents or grandparents: “it would be preferable not to expose them to risks that can be avoided with a painless and cheap tampon” specifies the doctor, then agreeing with the minister on the need to wear masks.

In short, all the experts call for caution also for this year above all because – as anticipated – this season is characterized by the spread of various viruses and all with fairly severe symptoms. Better not risk it therefore and enjoy the holidays in this way instead of taking greater risks.

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