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Covid – 2021 | How to make money: who, when and how can apply

Covid – 2021

In the Covid – 2021 program, entrepreneurs can get 500 crowns per employee per day. Within the program, employees are also considered to be cooperating persons pursuant to Act No. 586/1992 Coll., On Income Taxes (in the case of applicants – natural persons), as well as executives with a contract for the performance of the function of executive.

In all cases, only persons who were registered for the payment of insurance premiums with the Czech Social Security Administration (CSSA) as of 11 January 2021 are counted.

Entrepreneurs can get support back from 11 January to 31 March (total of 80 days). In the program, entrepreneurs will receive 500 crowns per day for each employee. If they have only between one and three employees, the minimum subsidy is CZK 1,500 per day.

The subsidy is provided for the costs of operating and maintaining business activities, such as personnel costs, costs of materials, services, depreciation, taxes and fees, loan repayments, overheads and the like. Eligible costs are from February 2020 to 31 March 2021.

If the entrepreneur has already applied for a new compensation bonus, he can also apply for support in the Covid – 2021 program. However, if it is approved, he must immediately ask his bonus administrator to stop the procedure for applying for a compensation bonus or return it.

Who, when and how can apply

The applicant must be a natural or legal person established under private law or a contributory organization which has at least one employee expressed as full-time equivalent (FTE).

In the case of contributory organizations, at least half of the organisation’s total revenues from business activities came during the comparison period.

Similar to u new compensation bonus Entrepreneurs must prove that their sales have decreased by at least 50 percent over the comparable period. Revenues from the beginning of this year and 2019 or 2020 are compared (whichever is more advantageous for him).

Benchmarking period for the Covid – 2021 program

Comparison period is the period between 1 January 2019 and 28 February 2019, or between 1 January 2020 and 28 February 2020. Comparable period When applying for the first money from the Covid – 2021 program, the period between January 1 and February 28 this year.

An applicant who started business after 1 January 2020 may choose any two consecutive months in 2020 as the comparison period.


The application can be submitted from 12 April from 9:00 to four o’clock in the afternoon on 31 May. As with previous grants, it will be possible to apply through portal Ministry of Industry and Trade.

How support is calculated

So far, support can be obtained in a maximum of 80 days (the period between 11 January and 31 March 2021). If the entrepreneur applied for support from the COVID – Accommodation II program, he can get the money for the period from January 23 to the end of March.

As mentioned – for each employee, the applicant will receive 500 crowns per day, if he has less than three employees, the amount increases to 1500 crowns.

In the case of part-time or part-time employees, the applicant shall take into account the relevant coefficient as full-time conversion. Thus, if, for example, it employs 15 people on a part-time basis, it multiplies their number by a factor of 0.5 and then by 500 crowns. This will give him support in the amount of 3750 crowns per day (15 × 0.5 × 500).

According to the temporary framework of the European Commission, the employer can receive a maximum of 1.8 million euros (support from most covid programs – rent, culture, etc.) is already included in the limit.

Other conditions

Other conditions include that the applicant is not an unreliable payer or unreliable person under the law governing value added tax as of the date of submission of the application. It must also not be in liquidation or has any overdue arrears in relation to the state budget and the like. A complete list of conditions is available in call of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

To obtain the money, a completed application containing an affidavit, which is directly part of it, will suffice. If the application is not submitted by a person authorized to act on behalf of the company, he will still have to provide an electronically signed or verified power of attorney.

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