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Covid 19: why Russia is struggling to control the third wave – World

Since mid-June Russia has experienced a new epidemic outbreak. Anticipated by epidemiologists, it had been underestimated by politicians including the highest state authority. “We’ve been talking about it for a while, nobody believed us… now we’re there,” epidemiologist Alexander Gorelov told Tass on June 30.

The numbers speak for themselves. On Saturday July 10, 752 deaths and 25,082 new cases were recorded in 24 hours, a record since the start of the pandemic. These records are explained by the Delta variant, on the way to becoming prevalent in the Russian Federation and already responsible for 90% of new cases identified in the Moscow megalopolis, according to Mayor Sergei Sobyanin.

Another reason for concern is the appearance of a new Delta plus variant. A case of infection was reportedly detected on June 29, reports the Moscow Times newspaper, citing Rostrebnadzor, a federal public health agency.

Vaccination to the penalty

According to the journal “Our world in data”, as of July 2, only 16.30% of the population had received a dose of vaccine and 12.6% were fully vaccinated.

This low vaccination coverage is due to the epidemic of acute mistrust from which the entire population suffers, both vis-à-vis Russian vaccines and federal and regional authorities.

Of course, Russia is one of the most “vaccine-skeptical” countries in the world, but the current phenomenon is completely new. Some political scientists do not hesitate to see it as a political gesture… The expression of a refusal of the system, a silent protest or even a new form of dissent.

Four vaccines

Moreover, the calamitous management of health issues and the early vaccination campaign, far from allaying fears, only reinforced them. Power multiplies errors and clumsiness: systematic denigration of Western vaccines by the state media, almost impossible to choose a vaccine. Of course, Russia has approved four vaccines: Sputnik, Sputnik light, EpivacCorona, Kovivak. But only the two Sputniks are available nationwide.

It is also necessary to note the weakness of the communication of the health authorities which did not extend, far from it, on the side effects of the various vaccines and precautions to be taken after the injections. Finally, the problem of immunity and vaccine contamination has been completely overlooked. The number of vaccinated people who contracted the disease forced to break the silence. The mayor of Moscow followed by the governor of Saint Petersburg contented himself with advising their constituents to be revaccinated while the scientific community remains silent …

Half measures

For the Kremlin this third wave comes at the worst time. The economy is struggling to recover from the 2020 lockdown, legislative elections are scheduled for September 9. United Russia, the president’s party, has no competitor, but massive abstention would weaken the head of state. It is in this context that we must place the recent decisions to curb the pandemic: refusal of compulsory vaccination for the entire population, obligation limited to officials, no quarantine but a health pass to go to the café or the restaurant. The fact remains that these half-measures have so far not proved their effectiveness.

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