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COVID-19 | vaccines | Sinopharm | COVID-19: Everything You Need To Know About Sinopharm Vaccines | PERU

Germán Málaga, principal investigator of the Cayetano Heredia University and head of the medical trials carried out in Peru of the Sinopharm vaccines, detailed the main characteristics of this product, a few hours after the arrival of 300,000 doses that will be supplied to medical and first-rate personnel. line.

“The second dose is contemplated its application of three to four weeks of the first dose. The person is considered to be immunized from day 35 of the first dose. That is to say, If the vaccination begins on February 10 – 35 days are added – it is expected that from March 17 the person will already be immunized”, explained to TV Peru.

Next, he said that being immunized implies -mainly- from eThe individual point of view that the person already has defenses to face the COVID infection.

It must be remembered that we have efficiencies – which have not yet been measured in Peru – of 79%. Studies in Peru are still running to find out the Peruvian efficacy. In addition, personnel who are exposed to the disease will be immunized. The ideal would be to have all the doses to vaccinate everyone ”, added.

In that sense, he stressed that society will not be protected until all citizens are vaccinated.

Vaccination works if and only if everyone is vaccinated. If a few are vaccinated they do not help or partially help”, He said. He also clarified that receiving the vaccines does not imply stop using biosafety implements to avoid the disease.

What the vaccine allows is for people to have serious COVID pictures, but it does not prevent others from becoming ill or infecting, that is why everyone must continue to use biosecurity implements ”.

He also noted that Sinopharm’s vaccines are quite safe.

In clinical trials, there are more than 70,000 people who have been inoculated with this vaccine with no adverse events associated with the vaccines having been reported. In addition, there are already countries that are using it as an emergency, such as the United Arab Emirates, Hungary, Argentina, in China itself where there are more than 10 million people who have received this vaccine.”.

He added that after being administered, any discomfort could be felt like other vaccines such as local pain, malaise, decay, fever that lasts at most 72 hours.

Protects 100% from severe COVID cases“, said.

The specialist also considered that it is unlikely that with the first batch and especially on time, the polling station members can be immunized for the 2021 elections.

The times do not fit, since 15 days before the table members, no later than March 30, they should receive their second dose, so the vaccines should arrive in the next 4 weeks to immunize all table members”.

Given this, he considered that there should be massive campaigns to buy more vaccines and immunize the members of the board within the expected deadlines. He also specified that while the population is not vaccinated there will be a third wave.

In the worst scenario, it is possible that we will pass the Bicentennial in quarantine due to the third wave, which are faster ”.

We have to be massively vaccinated so that more waves do not come and regarding the new variants it is not yet known, the vaccines could not lose the efficacy of the new variants because when they use the active virus the antibody is stronger. The vaccines are made to generate antibodies against the spikes so they could theoretically face the new variants ”.

Finally, he stated that vaccines reduce the risk of deaths and the severe form of COVID by 100%; no deaths have been registered due to the effects of vaccines and they have the ability to reduce infections.

The only vaccines that could be traded are Pfizer and Moderna. “Exchange of vaccines is not recommended”.

-Who will be vaccinated-

Fase I:

– Any person who provides services, regardless of the nature of their employment or contractual relationship, in the different instances of the health sector.

– Personnel of the Armed Forces and Police

– Firefighters

– Red Cross

– Security personnel

– Serenazgo

– Brigadistas

– Cleaning staff

Health students

– Members of the polling stations

If you are within these groups, you should know:

Health workers will be vaccinated in the health establishments where they work.

Health students, in the health establishments where they carry out their practices.

– Cleaning, security, and other workers will be vaccinated in the establishment where they work.

– The personnel of the Armed Forces and Police will coordinate with the Minsa or Essalud, the corresponding vaccination dates.

Phase II:

– Adults aged 60 years and over

– People with comorbidity to prioritize.

– Population of native or indigenous communities

– Staff of the National Penitentiary Institute (INPE), and persons deprived of their liberty

If you are within these groups, keep in mind that the Minsa will organize exclusive vaccination days for older adults and people with chronic diseases in health facilities. The indigenous population will be vaccinated through itinerant brigades.

Phase III:

– People from 18 to 59 years old who request it

If you are in this group, you can voluntarily get vaccinated at the vaccination points that the health center closest to your home determines.

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