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COVID-19 Vaccines Pose Long-Term Risk of Retinal Vascular Occlusion: Study

A recent peer-reviewed retrospective cohort study where more than 700,000 vaccinated and 700,000 matched unvaccinated Americans (1) shows that vaccination with corona vaccines poses a long-term increased risk of occlusion – closure – of the retina. This is a condition in which vision is reduced due to leakage of the blood vessels in the retina, causing blood clots to reduce vision.

Vaccinees had twice the relative risk for this condition. The risk was higher after vaccination with the Janssen DNA vaccine, but longer with the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna.

The authors write:

The risk of retinal vascular occlusion increased significantly during the first 2 weeks after vaccination and persisted through 12 weeks. In addition, first and second dose subjects had BNT162b2 [Pfizer] a mRNA-1273[Moderna] a significantly increased risk of retinal vascular occlusion 2 years after vaccination

The blood clots that cause the occlusion can come from the blood circulation of the heart, aorta, carotid arteries, and ultimately the blood vessels that supply the eyes.

Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough already concluded in 2020 together with FDA physician Dr. Zhang that the SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein damaged the lining of the blood vessels thereby causing blood clots (2). This occurs in severe COVID-19, where a lot of viral spike protein can end up in the blood.

The eye is a window to the circulatory system

The doctor writes in his substack:

The eye is a window to the circulatory system. Taken together, these data lead to the compelling conclusion that mass vaccination has caused persistent, cumulative vascular injury in some recipients that has persisted for at least two years.

These data predict an increase in non-fatal and fatal events associated with progressive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, including: 1) myocardial infarction (heart attack), 2) stroke 3) peripheral vascular disease with systemic embolism, 4) critical limb ischemia with amputation.

In addition, vaccine recipients are likely to be generally hypercoagulable and more susceptible to venous thromboembolism due to surgery, prolonged immobility, and estrogen use, among others.

He has recommendations for patients and doctors:

  1. Vaccinated patients with diabetes mellitus should be vigilant and seek immediate retinal examination by an ophthalmologist if visual symptoms occur,
  2. Physicians and their patients must be attentive to the detection and treatment of atherothrombotic disease in the coronary and systemic vasculature.

Is vaccination a good idea?

Proponents of vaccination can argue that vaccination can actually prevent serious Covid-19 – with the blood clots caused by it – and that therefore vaccination against Covid-19 is, on balance, a good idea.

However, this is incorrect. In the first place, it quickly became clear during 2020 that the risk of death from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and therefore also of severe Covid-19, was very strongly age-dependent, a conclusion that has only been confirmed in the years since and refined.

In a mild infection, large amounts of spike protein do not enter the blood, because the virus is fought by the immune system of the respiratory tract. In contrast, with vaccination, the vaccine (actually a pro-vaccine) does enter the bloodstream (3, among others), and in large quantities if an unintentional intravascular injection has taken place. Unfortunately, the Dutch vaccination protocol does not attempt to use aspiration to prevent accidental injection into the bloodstream.

The Doctors Collective advocates stopping the current mRNA (repeat) vaccines because of their low effectiveness, the risk of serious side effects, the unexplained excess mortality and indications of risks during pregnancy and unfamiliarity with the long-term risks of the genetic vaccines for the child.


  1. Li, JX., Wang, YH., Bair, H. et al. Risk assessment of retinal vascular occlusion after COVID-19 vaccination. npj Vaccines 8, 64 (2023).
  2. [ PubMed ]Zhang J, Tecson KM, McCullough PA. Endothelial dysfunction contributes to COPD-associated vascular inflammation and coagulopathy. Rev Cardiovasc Med. 2020 Sep 30;21(3):315-319. doi: 10.31083/j.rcm.2020.03.126. PMID: 33070537.
  3. Fertig TE, Chitoiu L, Marta DS, Ionescu VS, Cismasiu VB, Radu E, Angheluta G, Dobre M, Serbanescu A, Hinescu ME, Gherghiceanu M. Vaccine mRNA Can Be Detected in Blood at 15 Days Post-Vaccination. Biomedicines. 2022 Jun 28;10(7):1538. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10071538. PMID: 35884842; PMCID: PMC9313234.

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2023-05-12 14:20:02
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