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Covid-19 vaccines: dangerous messenger RNA? Why a controversial book is strongly criticized

the essential
Alexandra Henrion-Caude, geneticist and antivax figure, published this week a particularly critical work against the so-called messenger RNA technology, used by several vaccines against Covid-19. The book is strongly criticized by the scientific community.

It is in a way a “UFO” of health “literature” which has appeared on the shelves of booksellers. Controversial geneticist and reference among anti-vaccines, Alexandra Henrion-Caude signs Sorcerer’s Apprentices and fires red bullets at the laboratories that designed the vaccines against Covid-19. In her book, the 50-year-old promises to reveal “everything that is hidden from you about messenger RNA”, a technology which has, among other things, been used by the Pfizer and Moderna laboratories to design serums against Sars-Cov -2.

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This former research director – who worked at Inserm, before the organization dissociated itself from the researcher in 2020 – thus affirms that messenger RNA is at the origin of potentially serious and intergenerational pathologies, of different diseases. children’s genetics, and that this technology modifies the DNA of patients who are vaccinated. Of vaccination, Alexandra Henrion-Caude also speaks of an “experiment”: “Today, no one knows the consequences of vaccination in the medium and long term”, evokes the latter.

“Scandalous and shameful”

In the ranks of scientists, the work and the postulates which are shared there are strongly singled out: “It is scandalous and shameful, evokes Pr. Alain Fischer, former president of the Council of orientation of the vaccine strategy in France , interviewed by La Dépêche To tell the truth, I am quite shocked by this kind of book and by these people who, because they had a scientific career one day, come to talk nonsense and harm a health action community that saved lives”.

And the immunologist to continue: “In science, controversies are necessary. But here, we are clearly not in the scientific controversy: we are in the defense of scientific truth”.

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Scientific truth, what is it? In the three years of the pandemic, researchers have made giant leaps in vaccination by relying on technology that is decades old. Indeed, what is called messenger RNA (ribonucleic acid) has existed for… nearly 60 years. “Messenger RNA is the basis of what we need to know in biology about the functioning of the human body and its genetic system, evokes Professor Jean-Daniel Lelièvre, immunologist specializing in vaccines, with The Midi Dispatch. It is a molecule which makes it possible to transmit the DNA information coded in our genome, to allow the synthesis of the proteins necessary for the functioning of our cells.

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So could RNA be the cause of adverse effects? “For this, these molecules would have to reintegrate into our genome and cause anomalies. This exceptional phenomenon was described in a highly disputed scientific article dating from 1974: tests had been carried out on a cell line”.

In order for RNA to be able to reintegrate our DNA, it needs a special enzyme which is only present in retroviruses such as AIDS,” says Prof. Fischer. These RNA molecules are also used therapeutically, to treat autoimmune diseases, for example: “We have patients who for decades have received a quantity of RNA a thousand times greater than that found in the vaccine every month, evokes Prof. Fischer. They don’t develop cancer or anything else.”

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The immunologist finally relies on a study published in 2022 in the columns of the Lancet Infectious Disease : in 2021, vaccines would thus have saved nearly 19 million people worldwide, according to Olivier J. Watson. According to official counts – difficult to keep – at least 7 million people infected with the virus have died.

How long does it take for our body to eliminate the vaccine?

This is a question that has frequently come up on the table in the midst of a pandemic: does the body manage to gradually eliminate traces of vaccine? “On this question, we must differentiate between the vaccine itself and the proteins that have been created by the vaccine, evokes Professor Jean-Daniel Lelièvre. After injection, the vaccine and the messenger RNA will persist for a few days in your body. “.

“But as with any other vaccine, the virus proteins that have been generated through the injection will remain in your body for several months”, continues the immunologist. It is these same proteins that will subsequently allow the body to generate antigenic stimulation and protect your body against future infections.

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