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Covid-19 vaccine rollout enters next phase as GP clinics must deliver to elderly Australians

Thousands of GP clinics will provide the Covid-19 vaccine to elderly Australians and residents living with underlying disease as the next phase of the rollout begins.

More than 4,500 GP clinics will be armed and ready to deliver the vaccine when phase 1b begins on March 22.

The extra help comes as Australia’s immunization program falls behind with only half of the 60,000 target people vaccinated in the first week.

Thousands of GP clinics will provide the Covid-19 vaccine to elderly Australians and residents living with underlying disease early in the next phase of the deployment (pictured, John Healy, senior care resident, who was among the first to be vaccinated)

The vaccine was also only delivered to 158 senior care facilities despite promises by the federal government to deliver it to 260 facilities in the first week (in the photo, Jane Malysiak, senior care resident, was the first Australian woman to receive the Pfizer vaccine on February 21 as a Prime Minister Scott Morrison is watching)

The vaccine was also only delivered to 158 senior care facilities, despite promises by the federal government to deliver it to 260 facilities in the first week.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison called on the Australian Defense Force to help bring the vaccine rollout in the country back on schedule.

Health Minister Greg Hunt said helping general medicine clinics would also ensure “efficient and equitable distribution of vaccines across the country.”

More than $ 6 billion has been spent on deploying the coronavirus vaccine in Australia, with contracts for more than 150 million doses in total and a third to be signed by pharmaceutical giant CSL in Victoria.

Homemade doses should be available in time for phase 1b.

Australian Medical Association president Omar Khorshid said no party is better equipped to administer vaccines than GP clinics.

People could then get their Covid-19 jab near their homes.

“GPs have a proven track record of vaccinating older Australians and people with chronic illnesses against influenza, which will be the bulk of the phase 1B deployment,” said Dr Khorshid.

“It is very nice to see the majority of GPs standing up to participate in this essential national program.

More than 4,500 GP clinics will be armed and ready to deliver the vaccine when phase 1b begins on March 22

More than $ 6 billion has been spent on deploying the coronavirus vaccine in Australia, with contracts for more than 150 million doses in total and a third to be signed by pharmaceutical giant CSL in Victoria

“The general practice is very accessible to people and has helped Australia achieve some of the highest vaccination rates in the world.

The gradual start of general practices will be complemented by respiratory clinics led by general practitioners and health services controlled by the Aboriginal community.

WADA said more than 130 respiratory clinics and more than 300 indigenous community-controlled health service sites will support the phase 1b rollout.

Doses of AstraZeneca and Pfizer from overseas are administered to front-line hotel health and quarantine workers, as well as residents and nursing and elderly and disabled care workers. of phase 1a.

So far, nearly 74,000 people in Australia have received their first dose of the vaccine.

As the vaccine rollout continues across Australia, more than 40,000 residents of the country remain abroad and attempt to return.

Doses of AstraZeneca and Pfizer from overseas are administered to frontline hotel health and quarantine workers, as well as elderly and disabled residents and staff as part of phase 1a

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