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Covid-19: twelve additional deaths in Center-Val de Loire

Since October 20, the Regional Health Agency of Center-Val de Loire has announced that in view of the notable evolution of the epidemic on the regional territory, the newsletter is re-published every day, from Monday to Friday.

Here is the data from the latest press release from ARS Center-Val de Loire on Tuesday, March 9:

In Eure-et-Loir

The incidence rate is stable at 208.7

According to the newsletter of the Center-Val de Loir Regional Health Agency dated Tuesday, March 9, the latest figures relating to Covid-19 are as follows:

  • The incidence rate is stable with 208,7 people positive for Covid-19 per 100,000 inhabitants. He was from 239,20 Friday March 5.
  • The positivity rate is also stable: 7% in the Center region, against 8.30% Friday.
  • At the end of last week, the situation was very worrying in certain sectors of Eure-et-Loir, such as Perche, said the prefect, Françoise Souliman, this Friday, March 5:

“Three communities of municipalities are particularly affected, in particular Perche where the incidence rate reaches 900 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with 24% positivity. The Forêts du Perche and the Eurelian Doors are also affected areas.”

FRANÇOISE SOULIMAN (Prefect of Eure-et-Loir)

The incidence rate indicates the number of people tested positive per 100,000 inhabitants. The vigilance threshold is reached from 10 per 100,000 and the alert threshold from 50 / 100,000 inhabitants.

Acceleration of vaccination, closure of playgrounds in parks: what to remember from the announcements of the prefect of Eure-et-Loir

Significant circulation of the English variant

Figures down slightly at the start of the week but, since Friday February 26, the incidence and positivity rates remain high, with in particular a greater spread of the English variant in the department, which represents nearly three new cases out of four. (74%). “This is precisely what worries us,” said the prefect, Françoise Souliman, on March 1.

“For now, as we are, we are holding on”: the threat of a re-containment recedes for Eure-et-Loir

On Thursday March 4, Prime Minister Jean Castex kept Eure-et-Loir, as well as 22 other departments, under reinforced surveillance.

What to do in the event of a positive Covid-19 test result? You must place yourself at theisolation without delay, with the possibility of receiving the visit of a liberal nurse as well as benefit from a hosting solution if needed.
The tests which give rise to a positive result are now the subject of a specific screening to detect the possible presence of a variant, in a maximum delay of 36 hours.
People with a variant are informed of the importance of respecting barrier gestures, due to an increased risk of contagiousness, and a prolonged isolation of 7 to 10 days for the Brazilian and South African variants.
After 10 days and in the absence of fever, isolation can only be lifted after obtaining a negative result.

The Covid-19 vaccination campaign starts at general practitioners in Eure-et-Loir (February 25)

The number of patients in stable intensive care

ARS identifies 26 people currently suffering from a severe form of the coronavirus in intensive care in the department, the same figure as on Monday.

Eure-et-Loir counts 127 people patients with Covid-19, currently hospitalized, against 132 on Monday.

896 new positive cases between February 27 and March 5

The Regional Health Agency (ARS) announced on Monday March 8 that out of 10,794 people tested between February 27 and March 5, there are 896 new positive cases for Covid-19
in Eure-et-Loir.

Data on the tests performed are updated in bulletins on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Vaccination In Eure-et-Loir, until March 9, 2021,25,642 people received at least one dose of vaccine(

Public health data France

The prefect of Eure-et-Loir announced, this Friday, March 5, the delivery of 3,500 additional vaccines from the Pfizer laboratory for Eure-et-Loir, or 2,300 doses delivered by the State and 1,200 doses from the regional reserve from the Center-Val de Loire.

More than 2,200 additional meetings in the second half of

February could be scheduled in the five vaccination centers of the department to meet the strong demand

How well does the AstraZeneca vaccine actually work?378 deaths in Eure-et-Loir since the start of the epidemic Eure-et-Loir has recorded 379 deaths since the start of the epidemic, according to data from Public Health France .

(Editor’s note: cumulative number of deaths of patients hospitalized for Covid-19 since March 1, 2020), or an additional person compared to Monday. According to data from ARS Center-Val de Loire for this Tuesday, March 9, since September 1, 2020, 235 people died in Eure-et-Loir in a health establishment

and 48 residents died in their host establishment.

The ARS bulletin only takes into account deaths declared in software in which health establishments record deaths, “and only those”, explains the ARS. Are not mentioned the patients who died at home (declared positive or not tested), and certain patients tested positive, but who had another disease. So,

the actual number of people with coronavirus is higher

. The figures mentioned may change downwards, the establishments being able to make retrospective corrections.

Is Covid-19 now affecting a younger population? In Center-Val de Loire 244,854 injections against Covid-19 In the Center-Val de Loire region, to date,

244.854 injections were carried out against Covid-19, according to data from ARS Center-Val de Loire, as of March 9. (In detail, 162,851 people received the first dose and 82,272 people the second dose.) In France,until March 9, 2021,3,996,329 people received at least one dose of vaccine


Public health data France


Who, where, when, how: your questions and our answers on the Covid-19 vaccination 4,210 positive cases between February 27 and March 5 The Regional Health Agency (ARS) announces, this Monday, March 8, that out of 60,556 people tested between February 27 and March 5, in Center-Val de Loire, 4,210 new positive cases for Covid-19 have been confirmed. In Center-Val de Loire, the positivity rate is of 7% andthe incidence rate

is of

164.50: stable rates . 450 Covid-19 patients hospitalized

The number of hospitalizations is on the rise for patients with Covid-19. ARS identifies

450 hospitalized patients for infection with the new coronavirus, or 14 people less since March 8. 131 people in intensive care

ARS identifies

131 people currently in intensive care in the Center-Val de Loire region. Or seven people less since Monday.With 48 patients, Loiret remains the department with the most people admitted to intensive care.

In total, between people admitted to hospital and those in intensive care,

581 people are in hospital this Tuesday, March 9, because of Covid-19, in the Center-Val de Loire region , or a downward trend. Twelve hospital deaths in the region According to the Regional Health Agency (ARS) Center-Val de Loire, to date 2.059people died
since the start of the epidemic

in the hospital, in the region. Among these deaths, 400 patients were residing in a medico-social establishment.
The numbers of people who have died have been cumulative since the start of the epidemic.

Deaths of residents in reception establishments 1.165 people have died in their host institution since the start of the crisis in the region.

– The numbers of people who have died have been cumulative since the start of the epidemic.

That’s twelve more deaths than March 8.





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