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Covid-19: towards compulsory vaccination of health professionals in September?

This Wednesday, June 23, Olivier Véran, Minister of Solidarity and Health, was heard by the Senate Social Affairs Committee. He notably addressed the follow-up to the Ségur de la Santé, but also the application of the 2019 law on the organization and transformation of the health system. Discussions quickly turned to the health crisis linked to the Covid-19 epidemic. Asked about the matter, the minister said that in the absence of a significant improvement in the vaccination rate of health professionals during the summer, and in particular in the Ehpad, the « could be brought »To impose compulsory vaccination of caregivers, « probably in September ».

As a reminder, while 85% of liberal health professionals working in cities are vaccinated against Covid-19, only 55% of caregivers in EHPAD are. “ 50% and a few in nursing homes is not enough. We will not take the risk at the start of the school year of exposing frail and elderly people due to the fact that caregivers do not get vaccinated. », Declared Olivier Véran, who enumerated the dangers relating to a low rate of vaccination of professionals in nursing homes, such as the appearance of new more aggressive variants, the spread of the virus due to favorable climatic conditions, and so on. ” I won’t leave nursing homes infected with the virus again », He hammered.

« We have a vaccination coverage rate among caregivers which is sometimes lower than in the general population, this is particularly the case in nursing homes. », Indicated the minister. Indeed, the proportion of adults vaccinated within the entire population currently stands at 60%.

The Minister launched a ” very solemn appeal »Nursing home care providers to use vaccination. He indicated that he was working with Brigitte Bourguignon, Minister Delegate for Autonomy, on an increase in the vaccination rate of the staff of these establishments.

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