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Covid-19 to order: risking lives for the Green Pass?

In the Grenland region in Norway, young people are said to pay the equivalent of 10 to 20 euros to intentionally get infected with Covid-19. Coronavirus contagion is said to be sold via the Snapchat mobile app.

Hedda Foss Five is the mayor of Skien, a small town in the region, and she hopes this is just a rumor. “I hope they are not serious because that would be really tragic. I hope the young people understand that this is a disease that some can get seriously ill with. We have also had several deaths here in Skien as in all of Norway. “

The motivation for the risky deal is probably the “Corona Certificate” that the Norwegian government wants to introduce – a kind of green passport like in the EU, which grants vaccinated and recovered people certain freedoms such as travel.

“It remains to be seen whether it was right to wait so long before vaccinating young people,” said the mayor.

Experts have warned that a green pass as an entrance ticket to restaurants and a pass across national borders could lead to desires and incentives for abuse.

“Personally, I think the time has come because children and young people made a lot of sacrifices during the pandemic. Now they see that they are the last ones to be with friends and have fun together while the elderly in the population can let off steam earlier, “says Hedda Foss Five.

Norway currently has a seven-day incidence of only 57. A total of 117,995 people have been infected with the coronavirus since the outbreak of the pandemic in Norway, 774 have died from it.

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