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COVID-19: The situation in three districts in our country is deteriorating – Healthcare – Bulgaria – NOVA News

There are already five “red” areas of coronavirus distribution today. These are Burgas, Veliko Tarnovo, Targovishte, Ruse and Plovdiv. There is no longer a single “green” zone in Bulgaria and the whole country is colored yellow. This was said to NOVA by the director of RHI-Burgas, Dr. Georgi Pazderov.

Nearly 2000 new cases of COVID-19 in our country

The regional operative headquarters in Plovdiv is meeting urgently due to the increased number of patients with coronavirus. Plovdiv region is approaching the red zone of those infected with COVID-19. For the last two weeks, the incidence is 227.9 per 100,000 people, according to RHI data. The new cases from Friday to Sunday are 312. In the whole area the active cases of the disease are 1489, 2638 people are placed under quarantine.

The meeting of the Regional Operational Headquarters is discussing the possibility of opening more Kovid beds within the allowable 1411. At the moment, 469 beds for Kovid patients have been opened in the Plovdiv region, more than half of them are occupied.

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In Burgas, there are 63 newly infected with coronavirus per day. The district has grown from 306 per 100,000 patients. This was explained by the director of RHI – Burgas Dr. Georgi Pazderov. Today at a meeting the regional headquarters is meeting, where measures will be outlined.

According to Dr. Pazderov, certain places need to be closed. That is what will be decided at today’s meeting. Against this background, the number of patient beds has increased.

The Chief State Health Inspector Assoc. Prof. Angel Kunchev will visit Burgas and Veliko Tarnovo – the two districts with the highest morbidity at the moment, to get acquainted with the situation related to COVID-19.

The established organization for limiting the spread of coronavirus infection will be discussed on the spot, and on the recommendation of the Chief State Health Inspector, additional anti-epidemic measures may be imposed at the regional level.

Here are the NCIPD data on the spread of the virus in our country:

The values ​​presented on the map report the 14-day morbidity per 100,000 as of August 22, 2021.

14-day morbidity by districts as of August 22, 2021

The Regional Coordination Headquarters for Coronavirus Control in Targovishte called for the introduction of stricter control in the inspections for compliance with the anti-epidemic measures.

This is necessary due to the increase in the number of positive cases of the disease and the expected transition of Targovishte district from the orange to the red zone of risk of infection.

The three multidisciplinary hospitals in Targovishte, Popovo and Omurtag are ready to receive new patients and expect assistance in the centralized supply of all medical structures and public organizations with personal protective equipment and disinfectants.

The campaign to raise awareness about the need to vaccinate the residents of the district, which will lead to a reduction in the intensity of coronairus infection, continues.

Upon prior request, specialized vaccination teams will visit the villages in the area.

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