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Covid-19: the Royal initiative in favor of African countries, an example of solidarity and cooperation (Chilean Media)

Covid-19: l’initiative Royale en faveur des pays africains, un exemple de solidarité et de coopération (Média chilien)" data-acdossier="Opinions et Débats">

sunday, june 28, 2020 at 9:06

Santiago – The aid sent by Morocco to several African countries, on High Royal Instructions, is “an example of solidarity and regional cooperation in Africa”, wrote the Chilean news site “El Periodista” on Saturday.

This aid sent to “countries of the different African sub-regions” reflects a “new phase of cooperation and solidarity in Morocco which are an authentic and clear expression of the spirit of African brotherhood advocated by HM King Mohammed VI”, said the author of the article, Dr Alvaro Rojas-Marín, a former minister and ex-ambassador of Chile in Germany.

This aid is made up in particular of masks, protective visors, gowns, hydroalcoholic gel, drugs, among others, which were manufactured by Moroccan companies, notes the author of the article, adding that the WHO has welcomed this initiative of HM the King, an act of generosity and regional solidarity.

For this former Chilean high official and honorary consul of the Kingdom, “solidarity and cooperation are two great values ​​which must be promoted in these times of pandemic” and “the initiative of the Kingdom of Morocco is an example to follow”.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, May God assist him, had given His Very High Instructions for the delivery of medical aid to several brother African countries, as part of the implementation of the Initiative launched by the Sovereign, April 13, 2020.

This aid aims to provide preventive medical equipment to support the brother African countries in their efforts to fight the Covid-19 pandemic.

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