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Covid-19. The minute situation of the new coronavirus in the country and in the world

Here we follow all developments on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 on an international scale.

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16h15 – United Kingdom registers 15,845 new cases and 373 dead

In the last 24 hours, the UK has registered 15,845 new cases, increasing the total to 3,945,680 infections since the pandemic began.

373 deaths associated with Covid-19 were also reported, for a total of 112,465.

According to the newspaper The Guardian, the number of new cases has decreased by 24.3 percent in the last seven days, while deaths have dropped by 23.3 percent.

Official data say more than 12 million Britons have already received the first dose of the vaccine. In turn, 511,447 have already been inoculated with the second dose.

4:05 pm – Schools reopen in Jordan after almost a year closed

Hundreds of thousands of students today returned to schools in Jordan, closed almost a year ago due to the covid-19 pandemic, at a time when cases of infection in the country are decreasing.

According to the Jordanian Ministry of Education spokesman, more than 773,000 students return to schools this week, closed in March 2020 to control the spread of the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus.

Students at day care centers and primary schools resumed classes today, as did the 28,000 students from the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, followed on Monday by those from Christian schools.

In a step-by-step return, over 1.4 million students will return to classes until March 7, according to the ministries of Education and Health.

On Saturday, Jordan registered 865 new cases of infection and seven deaths, confirming the progressive decline in numbers recorded since the peak of 91 daily deaths reached in mid-November.

3:44 pm – Santo António Intensive Care Units at capacity limit

Pressure in hospitals will remain or may even increase over the next two to three weeks. It is a warning from health professionals.

Intensive care is a major concern. At Hospital Santo António, in Porto, the intensive care unit is very close to 100 percent capacity.

15h18 – Vaccination does not prevent transmission of viruses to third parties

Even those who are vaccinated against Covid-19 can be a vehicle for transmitting the disease. Experts therefore warn of the need to use a mask and the rest of the health label, even after vaccination.

14h58 – There are more than a thousand doctors in the central area that have not yet been vaccinated

According to complaints received by the Order of Doctors in the region, 30 percent work in the emergency room.

14h45 – Outbreak in Vila Real de Santo António firefighters with 12 infected

An outbreak of covid-19 in the Vila Real de Santo António Voluntary Firefighters corporation in the Algarve, infected 12 firefighters, with another 38 in prophylactic isolation, a source from the corporation said today.

14h08 – Portugal records 3508 new cases and 204 deaths

According to the epidemiological bulletin released by the Directorate-General for Health, in the last 24 hours Portugal reported 3508 new confirmed cases of Covid-19 and 204 deaths associated with the disease. With these figures, Portugal has surpassed the barrier of 14 thousand deaths since the beginning of the pandemic.

It has been a month since the country had registered a number of new cases below four thousand, a value that dates back to January 3, when 3,384 cases were reached.

After Saturday’s descent, the number of hospitalized patients increased again, with another 90 people in the ward. On the other hand, there was a decrease in the number of patients in intensive care units (ICU), 26 less than the previous day. In total, Portugal now registers 6248 inpatients, of which 865 in ICU.

Lisbon and the Tagus Valley recorded 1435 new cases and 100 deaths, the north of the country reported 957 new infections and 39 fatalities, the center recorded 676 cases and 40 deaths, Alentejo recorded 154 new cases and 13 deaths and the Algarve reported 142 new infections and ten dead.

Today Portugal records 3269 fewer active cases and more than 6573 recovered. In total, 606,166 people recovered from the disease.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Portugal has added 765,414 new cases and 14,158 deaths.

13h53 – Twins were born infected in Viana do Castelo

In Viana do Castelo, a mother infected with Covid-19 gave birth to two twins who were also born infected. Health officials are still investigating the transmission, which is rare, from mother to child.

1:45 pm – Azores with three new cases and 55 recoveries in the last 24 hours

Today, the Azores register three new positives for covid-19, all in the parish of Rabo de Peixe, in São Miguel, and 55 recoveries, distributed between São Miguel, Terceira and Pico, informs the Regional Health Authority.

The three cases diagnosed today were detected in the parish of Rabo de Peixe, the only one in the archipelago where a sanitary fence still exists, which is now limited to the northern part of the parish, by the sea.

With 164 active cases, Rabo de Peixe remains the parish in the region with the most cases of covid-19.

13h29 – Portugal dismisses aid from Galicia to receive patients

Portugal rejected Galicia’s willingness to receive patients with the covid-19, given that units in the northern region are managing to respond to needs, the Ministry of Health told Lusa today.

12h56 – Covid 19 outbreak in Vila Real de Santo Antonio, Algarve, infected ten corporate firefighters and led to the closure of the barracks.

According to the commander, they are all asymptomatic and in isolation. The contagion will have happened in the area of ​​Tavira and Castro Marim, areas with more cases in the eastern Algarve.

Because of these casualties, and to ensure activity, it was necessary to call on the volunteer firefighters from Albufeira and Portimão, who meanwhile await the results of the tests to reinforce the teams.

The facilities of the Vila Real de Sto. António will be disinfected this afternoon.

12:44 pm – Greece maintains restrictions on domestic and international flights until 15 and 22 February to combat the spread of the virus

12:37 pm – Over 105 million infected and 2.3 million dead worldwide – AFP

12h23 – Austria considers producing Russian vaccine if it can commercialize it

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said the country is open to the production of the Russian Sputnik V or Chinese vaccine against covid-19, if it obtains marketing authorization in the European Union.

“If Russian and Chinese vaccine manufacturers were given the green light in Europe and were produced here, Austria would certainly try to make production capacity available in the appropriate national companies” for these vaccines, the conservative leader said in an interview with the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag.

11:25 am – German team starts treating first patients on Monday

The German military medical team that came to help Portugal in fighting the covid-19 pandemic begins to treat the first patients on Monday, the mission spokesman told Lusa today.

Consisting of 26 health professionals, including six doctors, who also brought 40 mobile and 10 stationary ventilators, 150 infusion pumps and so many hospital beds, the German military team arrived in Portugal on Wednesday, February 3, and stayed at Hospital da Luz, in Lisbon.

Speaking to Lusa, the mission spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Kieron Kleinert, explained that the team will be able to “treat eight patients at the same time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week”, stressing that “it will only treat sick “with covid-19.

11:03 am – Africa with 529 more dead and 13,484 infected in the last 24 hours

11h02 – India approved sending Covid-19 vaccines to Cambodia

09h24 – More than 16 complaints per day about online purchases sent to Deco in January

More than 16 complaints per day about online shopping reached Deco in January, 521 in total, four more per day on average than a year ago, before the first state of emergency was declared.

“We are once again receiving more complaints from consumers (…) a boom in complaints from online food retail businesses,” said Paulo Fonseca, coordinator of the economic and legal department of the Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection – Deco , to Lusa, comparing the complaints with those received in the months prior to the collection order and also with the increase, of 160 complaints, compared to the 361 registered in January last year, an average of 12 complaints per day.

In the 521 complaints about online commerce received by Deco in January, the main problems reported are delays in delivery / lack of stock, well purchased that does not meet expectations, contract resolution and delay in returning money and about the purchase and difficulties in completing the elimination of defects (repair and / or other solutions).

09h15 – Close to 110 thousand jobs lost in the temporary work sector

The pandemic crisis led to the loss of 110 thousand jobs in the area of ​​temporary work, according to the sectoral association, which, fearing a worsening situation, presented the Government with measures to give credibility to the activity and protect workers.

“Our associates have been greatly affected since the first confinement. From March (2020) to date – and we still have no data for December – I believe we can be very close to the 110 thousand jobs lost. Until November there were 103 thousand, “said the president of the Portuguese Association of Companies in the Private Sector for Employment and Human Resources (APESPE-RH) in an interview with the Lusa agency.

09h06 – Hospital São João in Porto received, last night, 6 seriously ill patients with Covid-19

Five were transferred from the Garcia de Orta Hospital in Lisbon and another from Amadora-Sintra.

The Centro Hospitalar de São João says that it continues to maintain openness and total solidarity to receive patients from hospitals in the country that face a highly complex situation, such as those in the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region.

8:49 am – First doses of vaccine for Covid-19 arrived in Afghanistan from India

08h12 – Russia with 16,048 more cases and 432 fatalities

7:40 am – China with more than 11 Covid-19 cases

7:35 am – USA has already delivered 59,304,600 doses of vaccines to Covid. 19 doses of which more than 39 million have already been administered

7:32 am – Germany with 8616 bad cases and 231 fatalities

7:10 am – Brazil starts production of 8.6 million doses of Chinese vaccine

Today, Brazil started producing around 8.6 million doses of the vaccine for covid-19 from the Chinese laboratory Sinovac and received raw material to manufacture another 2.8 million of the formula from AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford.

The Butantan Institute of São Paulo, one of the main medical research centers in Brazil, will be responsible for producing the Sinovac vaccine, which is already being administered in the country, as well as the vaccine of the British-Swedish pharmaceutical consortium..

07h00 – Brazil registers 978 dead and more than 50 thousand new cases

Brazil recorded 978 deaths associated with the new coronavirus and 50,630 new infections in the last 24 hours, bringing the balance of deaths to 231,012 since the beginning of the pandemic, the Government announced today.

According to the latest bulletin from the Ministry of Health of Brazil, the country – which registers the number of deaths below 1,200 for the first time in five days – accumulates 9,497,795 confirmed cases of the disease.

However, on weekends the numbers are usually lower due to less activity by public bodies.

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