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Covid-19, the bulletin of October 6: the numbers of the epidemic

The Ministry of Health, today, Tuesday 6 October, has released the numbers of the Covid-19 epidemic in Italy via bulletin.

(Ministry of Health)

The Ministry of Health has updated the status of the epidemic from Covid-19 in Italy. According to today’s health chart, i cases of contagion have risen to 330.263, that is 2.677 more units than yesterday. The subjects also rise currently positive 60.134 (+1.231), while the number of patients hospitalized in intensive care: to date 319, that is 4 less than yesterday. The number of healed since the beginning of the emergency has come to 234.099 with an increase of 1.418 unit. Register 28 victims in the last 24 hours are leading the overall death toll to 36.030.

The Abruzzo Region, we read in the notes, reports 50 new positives, but have been subtracted from the total 2 almost of the past days as already in charge of other Regions. Calabria has communicated that dei 23 positive today, 23 they are migrants. Finally, Sicily reported that gods 198 new positives, 2 they are migrants.

Coronavirus, bulletin: the numbers of Covid-19 in Italy on Monday 5 October

(Getty Images)

As usual, the Ministry of Health yesterday updated the status of the epidemic from Covid-19 in our country. According to the health table, i cases of contagion had risen to 327.586. Of these they turned out to be currently positive 58.903 subjects. The number of hospitalized patients is still growing intensive care: yesterday 323. The number of healed had come to 232.681. The overall toll has risen since the beginning of the emergency of the victims arrived in 36.002.

The Calabria Region pointed out, as we read in the notes, that gods 23 positive yesterday 4 they were migrants.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Covid-19, the bulletin of 5 October: 16 deaths in the last 24 hours

Coronavirus, bulletin: the numbers of Covid-19 in Italy on Sunday 4 October

The Ministry of Health on Sunday announced that the cases of contagion had risen to 325.329. Also growing currently positive which turned out to be 57.429 and patients admitted to intensive care: 303 in total. The number of healed from the beginning of the emergency had come to 231.914. In the last 24 hours there was also an increase in victims, for a total of 35.986 deaths.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Covid-19, the bulletin of 4 October: intensive care increases

Covid-19, the virologist Crisanti: “The government’s measures? Righteous “

The Government is about to launch a new Dpcm. A news that for days has kept Italians suspended, who are only broadly aware of what should be the new containment measures.

The proposal that has caused the most discussion is certainly the one put forward by Health Minister Roberto Speranza in order to masks. Indeed, introducing the obligation to wear them outdoors has shocked citizens and experts. Therefore, the thought is not univocal as it has already happened in the past. And in fact, on the one hand there are those who consider the use of personal protective equipment even in open environments to be wrong and harmful, and on the other hand, those who think of the measure as right and necessary.

As for the scientific community, there are numerous illustrious minds who have expressed themselves on the new plans of the Executive. Positive opinion was expressed by the virologist Andrea Crisanti who expressed his opinion on the new measures that the Government would like to implement.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Covid-19, the virologist Crisanti: “The government’s measures? Righteous “

Covid-19, the president of the Serie A League Paolo Dal Pino positive for the virus

The president of Lega Serie A Paolo Dal Pino it turned out positive al coronavirus. The number one of the League had submitted yesterday, Monday 5th October, to the swab that gave a positive result. As reported by the editorial staff of The Gazzetta dello Sport, Dal Pino would be symptomatic and would have suffered a little cough and a few lines of fever. Yesterday the president had participated, but in videoconference just as a precaution, in the meeting with the Minister of Sport, Vincenzo Spadafora, and the president of the FIGC, Gabriele Gravina.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Covid-19, the president of the Serie A League Paolo Dal Pino positive for the virus

Covid, Matteo Bassetti is not interested in using the mask outdoors

Professor Matteo Bassetti, director of the infectious disease clinic of the San Martino hospital in Genoa, expressed his opinion on the possible mandatory nature of the mask even outdoors. A proposal put forward by Minister Roberto Hope and that in all probability it will fall within the containment measures of the neighbor Dpcm. Like many of his colleagues, he expressed himself in the negative, relying on a long post on Facebook.

This generalization, in his opinion, therefore, without considering the zones and circulation rates of the virus would be wrong. Using the mask would make sense in places where spacing cannot be maintained. By doing so, Bassetti points out, the same error of the generalized lockdown could be made again.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Covid, Matteo Bassetti is not interested in using the mask outdoors

Declarations which, therefore, are added to others already issued by Matteo Bassetti who rejected the claims made by some colleagues that the current situation would be similar to the picture of March. In his opinion, the two situations would not be comparable at all.

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