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Covid-19: ten patients still treated in Montluçon, but no case detected for two weeks at the hospital

Ten patients with Covid-19 are still hospitalized at the Montluçon hospital center, this Wednesday, April 29. A figure down since there were still 18 to be taken care of, two weeks ago, as pointed out by Bernadette Mallot, the new director of the establishment, officially in office since April 20.

In Montluçon, the Covid-19 consultation center in Bien-Assis should remain open until June 30

You experienced an unusual assumption of office during a health crisis …

“It is true, but I did not disembark from another planet either. I was already a hospital director and therefore already in crisis (see box)”

How many people are hospitalized in Montluçon?

“We still have six patients in intensive care and four who are being treated in the reception medical service. It has been practically stable for ten days and so much the better.”

And since the beginning of the epidemic?

“On Monday, we had 564 people tested. Of these 564 people, 50 cases of Covid-19 were confirmed, of which around 30 were hospitalized; and unfortunately four of these people, all from the Montluçon basin, died. C is very little, but it’s obviously very sad. “

Three resuscitation patients transferred from Île-de-France to the Montluçon hospital center (Allier)

What about patients transferred from other regions in late March and early April?

“Eight patients were taken in intensive care: five from Bourgogne Franche-Comté, then three from Ile-de-France. This was possible because the hospital did not face very sustained activity. Since then, two ‘have been able to go home.’

Was there a risk of saturation in Montluçon?

“No. Neither on the twenty-one intensive care beds (compared to twelve in normal times, editor’s note), nor on the twenty-six beds dedicated to the Covid-19 patient reception medical service.”

What is the situation today ?

In the hospital, no positive case has been detected for two weeks.

As a result, will the reception capacities be reduced?

No. Besides, we don’t use a classic block program. On the other hand, we will resume consultations to avoid, above all, that the situation of certain patients does not worsen because they would be afraid to come to seek treatment.

People should not hesitate to come for emergencies, they will obviously be welcomed.

How do you envisage after May 11?

Our immediate fear, we discussed it with Dr. Verdier, the president of the medical committee of establishment, it is what this “second wave” brings us initially patients who we will recover in very difficult states because that they will have had no care for six weeks.

For us, this is a real concern and we are preparing for it. For Covid-19, we will see at the end of May if there will be an impact on the spread of the virus. “

Course. In office since Monday, April 20, Bernadette Mallot (57) returns to basics by taking the helm of the hospital center, since she is a native of Montluçon. After starting her career at Moulins hospital “where I worked for seven years in management control”, she then worked in Burgundy, then Bourgogne-Franche-Comté from 1993 to 2020. She worked in particular for 4 years in Dijon University Hospital with delegated management functions of the establishment and responsibility for the elderly center. For the past 12 months, she has been deputy director of the Haute Côte-d’Or hospital.

Michaël Nicolas

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