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Covid-19 Surut, Epidemiologist Unair Wanti-Wanti Virus Hendra

Liputan6.com, Surabaya – Epidemiologist from Airlangga University (Unair) Surabaya Laura Navika Yamani revealed, after the decline in positive cases Covid-19The existence of the disease caused by the Hendra virus is feared to be the cause of the start of a new chapter of the pandemic.

“In fact, although it is rarely found in humans, the mortality rate or case fatality rate (CFR) that occurs is quite high, in the range of 50 percent,” he said, written on Monday (30/5/2022).

With these facts, he gives advice in preventing transmission Hendra virus. According to him, the transmission of the Hendra virus to humans started from the natural reservoir of the virus, namely bats that infect horses.

“Bat droppings or urine that fall on horse food grass can cause horses to become infected with the Hendra virus. Humans can be infected with this virus when exposed to fluids or droplets from horses infected with the Hendra virus,” he said.

Laura said that contagion virus from horse to human is easier than bat to human. This is because horses and humans are both mammals.

Because the cause is known, the effort that can be done is to maintain cleanliness and endurance.

“In particular, people who have direct contact with livestock such as horses, must maintain the hygiene and environmental sanitation of livestock,” said Laura.

Washing hands before eating and not touching the T-Zone on the face is also a preventive measure that is expected to be used.

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