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Covid-19, school and spread of the virus …

Every week, Health On the Net chooses 5 health news for you, not to be missed:

1 – Covid-19, situation update

The latest figures from the Covid-19 epidemic reveal an increase in the incidence of the disease in France in all age groups, but more particularly among young adults. For three weeks, the number of hospitalizations has been rising steadily, especially among people under the age of 40. The significant increase in screening across the country indicates that nearly half of people who test positive show no symptoms, even though they are capable of transmitting the virus to those around them. Physical distance and barrier gestures therefore remain essential to stop the spread of the virus. In addition, health authorities insist on the need to be screened at the slightest symptom or after a risk situation.

2 – The influence of schools in the spread of the virus

Recently, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) released a report on SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and the role of schools in transmitting the virus. The results confirm that children represent only a minority of Covid-19 cases and that they most often show little or no symptoms. On the other hand, they excrete as many viral particles as adults, when they show symptoms. The data collected suggests a low level of contamination between children within schools. Schools would therefore not be more conducive environments for the spread of the virus than businesses or busy leisure places. Rather reassuring data a few days before the start of the school year.

3 – The “Health in Danger” collective calls for the reopening of the Ségur de la santé

This summer, a doctor created a “Health in Danger” collective bringing together 99,000 people on Facebook. This collective is calling for a reopening of the Ségur de la santé, which was closed at the start of the summer, to include all health professions and thus have a broader scope on the current health problem in France. According to this group, the conclusions of the Ségur de la santé would be clearly insufficient and the current situation in French hospitals still alarming. The caregivers especially lack gowns and gloves. The Ségur de la santé did not take into account all the health professions, for example midwives, who are nevertheless on the front line in the care of women and infants. The members of the collective call for a total reconstruction of health in France, including all health partners for a new fully operational health care system.

4 – walking near water is good for mental health

Spanish researchers recently published a study highlighting the benefits of bodies of water on well-being and mental health. Strolling on the beach, strolling by a lake or a river would significantly improve one’s well-being, compared to rest or walking in an urban environment. If such benefits were already recognized for forests and green spaces, it would seem that bodies of water are just as beneficial. Good news for all those who live near water or spend their holidays there!

5 – World Humanitarian Day

This week, August 19 is World Humanitarian Aid Day, the opportunity to pay tribute to all those who mobilize all year round for humanitarian aid, national and international. Humanitarian aid brings together a wide range of non-governmental organizations, which work all over the world, sometimes in perilous situations, to come to the aid of all those in need. On the occasion of this day, the UN wishes to sensitize public opinion and public authorities to humanitarian assistance and the need to support actions carried out throughout the world.

See you next week, for the next news from the world of health!

Estelle B., Doctor of Pharmacy

Estelle B.

Specialist in medical information and therapeutic patient education.
Passionate about the fields of health and the marine environment.
Write reliable scientific content with verified sources in accordance with our HIC charter.

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