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Covid-19 Protocol Compliance, Coordinating Minister Luhut: I Don’t Ask for 100%

The Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) realizes the importance of optimal handling efforts upstream to suppress the spread Covid-19 in the country. To that end, Coordinating Minister for Marves Luhut B. Pandjaitan emphasizes several things that need to be known and understood by the public or the wider community in general.

In his official statement, Coordinating Minister Luhut emphasized the following: first related to handling upstream, where the main key is community support. “That is, how can they comply with health protocols. I don’t ask for 100%, if 60% is already extraordinary,” said Coordinating Minister Luhut in a virtual discussion, Monday (19/7).

Aspect second related to the need and fulfillment of oxygen, drugs, health workers (Nakes), beds, and vaccination. He views the need for oxygen so that the current vaccination can still be well controlled.

“In the middle of this we can relatively control. We are building hospitals or beds now, Jakarta alone is 3,500 or more and all big cities now we are building quarantine places and treatments in the ICU,” he said.

However, regarding drugs, he admits that in the past month there have been supply constraints. The reason is, Biofarma is only able to produce or fulfill 22 million doses in 1 month. “But starting next month, it can reach 30-50 million a month,” he added.

Third namely knowledge about the type of delta virus or Covid-19. Coordinating Minister Luhut realized the importance of optimal handling efforts carried out upstream. So that the following efforts or so on can run well and smoothly.

“This is very important, in the middle of this we can manage (set). Now there is a delta variant, there is a new variant, so we are ready to face this dynamic,” he added.

He stated, the decision-making process and planning for handling Covid-19 by implementing the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) emergency always involves many parties or stakeholder who are experts in their respective fields. The academics from various regional campuses in Indonesia are no exception.

“We listen to a lot of people. Including professors of FK UI, medical professional associations, Universitas Airlangga, UGM, and others,” said Coordinating Minister Luhut in a virtual discussion with Covid-19 volunteers and public figures, yesterday.

On the same occasion, a figure from Gusdurian Alissa Wahid also expressed his appreciation for Coordinating Minister Luhut for his apology a few days ago. In particular, regarding the evaluation of the implementation of the Emergency PPKM which was considered not maximal in reducing the number of Covid-19 transmissions.

He also conveyed that in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in this Emergency PPKM, the involvement of public and religious leaders is very important to invite the community to care and want to prevent the transmission of the virus. One of the ways that the government is currently promoting is comprehensive vaccination.

“Our proposal is to involve religious leaders and the public. It’s not maximally involved. In the villages, the approach of religious leaders to the community needs to be done,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Covid-19 Report Volunteer Iqbal Elyazar said the most important and main thing to do was the mandatory use of masks by the public. He views this as very fundamental and has a big role for someone to avoid being exposed to the virus.

“First, the movement must wear masks, as the president has said regarding this. The virus doesn’t care about the variant, so the important thing is the mask. We only use 30% of our masks, this is what the world health agency has conveyed,” said Iqbal.

According to him, from existing data, the use of masks in Indonesia is decreasing from time to time. So this also needs to be encouraged and put forward in tackling this epidemic, including when taking policies or advice.

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