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Covid-19 Positive Case in Garut Only 1 Person

Arrowroot, AYOBANDUNG.WITH – The Task Force for the Acceleration and Handling of Covid-19 in Garut Regency, West Java Province, recorded the number of positive cases of corona virus patients in the area remaining from 26 people from the previous data, after 22 people were declared cured and three people died.

“Positive confirmation of 26 cases, consisting of one person in care, 22 were declared cured, and three people died,” Public Relations Task Force Acceleration and Handling Covid-19 Garut Regency Yeni Yunita through a press release on Saturday (27/6).

He said that the 26th positive patient Covid-26 was still receiving medical treatment in the isolation room of the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Dr. Slamet Garut. The latest development results, said Yeni, were no more positive cases of the Covid-19 outbreak in Garut, although officers in the field continued to trace and examine residents who had contact with positive patients.

“The results of further tracking and tracing activities on KC-26 close contact are known to be 96 close contacts, an epidemiological investigation and swab sampling were taken,” he said.

He revealed the results of reports in the field there were additional cases of status of people in monitoring (ODP) as many as four people who currently have received treatment by the medical team.

While the total number of Covid-19 cases is asymptomatic, ODP and patients under surveillance (PDP) and positive as many as 4,719 cases. Most of them have been stated negative Covid-19, even for the PDP case as many as 76 people have all finished getting medical treatment.

“PDP 76 cases have finished surveillance where 16 of them died,” he said.

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