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Covid-19: people over 30 years of age can already receive the fourth dose of the vaccine from today | News

The group of experts from the Ministry of Health (Minsa) ordered that the application of the fourth dose of the vaccine against covid-19 be extended to the age group of 30 years and older, the head of the sector, Jorge López, announced today.

“The committee of experts (of the Minsa) has evaluated and has seen that the application of the third dose (of the vaccine against covid-19) has already exceeded 70%. So the population of 30 years is being lowered upwards to his fourth dose,” López told Latina.

He clarified, however, that this new age group must first verify that five months have passed since receiving the third dose of the vaccine in order to apply the fourth dose, as established by the norm.

Through a statement, the Minsa recalls that this dose continues to be administered to people over 18 years of age with comorbidities, immunosuppressed people, people with disabilities, vulnerable people and health personnel.

According to the Director of Immunizations of the Minsa, María Elena Martínez, there is scientific evidence that confirms that the immunity capacity of the vaccine against covid-19 begins to decrease after four months.

He also said that the appearance of new sublineages of the omicron variant of covid-19 has generated an increase in infections in recent weeks and that, for this reason, it is necessary to reinforce vaccination, especially among the vulnerable population.

Martínez reported that the vaccines corresponding to the fourth dose are from Moderna and Pfizer laboratories, according to the protocol designed by the sector. “Both are safe and of high quality,” she pointed out.


For her part, the infectious disease doctor of the National Institute of Health (INS), Natalia Vargas, stressed the need to apply a fourth dose in order to be protected against the fourth wave that was announced by the Minsa on June 27, taking into account The increase in cases due to the appearance of sublineages of the omicron variant of covid-19 and when it is verified that the effectiveness of the vaccines is decreasing after 4 months of application.

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“Let’s remember that immunity gradually decreases. So it is important, every so often, to apply a fourth dose to ourselves. And we are going to see this according to the circulation of the dynamics of the virus,” Vargas emphasized in statements to the agency. Andean.

Moderna’s Vaccine

Regarding the Moderna laboratory vaccine, the infectious disease doctor explained that it has a very high level of effectiveness against covid-19, due to its high percentage of Messenger RNA, even higher than the Pfizer vaccine.

He explained, however, that its high level of effectiveness makes it in turn a fairly reactogenic vaccine, that is, it produces greater discomfort after its application.

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“That doesn’t mean it causes harm. Reactogenic does not mean damage, but it is a reaction of the immune system. Moderna is a very effective vaccine and we should not be afraid of receiving it”, emphasized the infectologist.

He added that so far no serious reactions have been observed that have required hospitalization after receiving the Moderna vaccine.

“In general, people who have been vaccinated with Moderna have had a mild reaction and they have completely resolved, and I have seen this and am seeing it in this immunogenicity study,” he stressed.

brand combination

Vargas stated that, from the immunological point of view, the combination of vaccine brands between doses (heterologous vaccination) is more immunogenic, that is, it induces the immune system more than the homologous one.

“This has to lead us to reflect on not choosing the type of vaccine that they are going to give us, but going and vaccinating ourselves, and also doing it at the right time,” he insisted.

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