(BZ). 83 people suffering from Covid-19 are currently being treated in the hospitals in the region. 30 of them will be civil servants. Last week there were 69 patients, 26 of whom were civil servants. As reported by the Freiburg University Clinic, the patients are distributed as follows: Freiburg University Clinic: 39, of which 21 are ventilated; Uniklinik-Campus Bad Krozingen: five, four of which are ventilated; Diakoniekrankenhaus Freiburg three, St. Josefskrankenhaus Freiburg six, one of which is ventilated; Loretto Hospital Freiburg three. In the Helios clinics in Mllheim, Breisach and Titisee-Neustadt there are five people affected, none of them are ventilated. A further twelve Covid-19 patients are treated at the district hospital in Emmendingen, four of whom are ventilated.