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COVID-19 patients complain of loss of interest in alcohol, coffee and cigarettes

On social networks and in consultation with specialists, people complain about their rejection of alcohol, tobacco, and in some cases, coffee with chocolate.

– Even the smell of alcohol now I can not stand, as, indeed, and coffee, – said Tatiana.

“After covid, the very sight of the chocolate causes a persistent gag reflex,” notes Anastasia.

– I turned away from both alcohol and smoking, – says Maxim. – Three months have passed – it does not pull. That is, I can hold on to a glass, a cigarette, but after a while I start to feel sick.

Chairman of the Board of the Moscow City Scientific Society of Physicians, Professor Pavel Vorobyov notes that during illness, the nervous system and the brain are damaged, which can affect the attitude towards pleasures.

– Many describe a decrease in libido, sexual functions. I can’t say about dopamine receptors, this requires testing, but the fact that such symptoms are present in people is a fact. But we also have enough other problems with the postcovid, for example, with serious mental disorders in a number of patients, – commented Pavel Vorobyov.

As the pathologist Alexander Ediger, a renowned expert in toxicology and pharmacology, noted, coronavirus affects the central nervous system, liver and pancreas.

– If the perception of alcohol, coffee, tea, chocolate, cinnamon, cloves has changed, this is a rather serious damage to the nervous system, and in the case of alcohol – also extremely complex damage to the liver and pancreas. Especially if after drinking alcohol for several days the state of indigestion and non-decomposition of alcohol, and sometimes intolerance of its smell, persists. This is a very bad sign, indicating that the most powerful enzyme systems of the liver and pancreas have stopped working, which means that the patient will have to be monitored for a long time. We observe how the disease takes away individual organs: someone is affected by the central nervous system, someone has immunodeficiency, someone has thromboembolism. And we will have to take a long time to disentangle the consequences of COVID-19, ” said Alexander Ediger.

Mr. Mustard


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