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Covid-19: One person died in Lithuania; There are no victims in Estonia

Another 20 people were confirmed infected with the new coronavir in Lithuania last day, 27 in Estonia, and the virus-induced disease Covid-19 has claimed the lives of one person in Lithuania while there are no victims in the northern neighborhood, national authorities said on Sunday.

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In Lithuania

Last day In Lithuania the proportion of positive tests was 0.3%.

Since the start of the pandemic, a total of 278,888 people have been diagnosed with the new coronavirus in the country and 267,912 people have been confirmed for recovery.

Covid-19 virus disease has claimed a total of 4,390 lives in Lithuania.

The hospitals are currently treating 103 Covid-19 patients, 23 of whom are in resuscitation. 16 patients require artificial ventilation of the lungs, while 71 patients are treated with oxygen masks.

According to the data of the Department of Statistics, the 14-day cumulative number of infections per 100,000 population on July 4 in Lithuania is 17.9.

A total of 1,253,289 people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in Lithuania, including 1,079,596.

In Estonia

2116 analyzes were performed last day, thus the proportion of positive tests was 1.3%.

The total number of confirmed infections in Estonia has reached 131,188. Out of Covid-19, a total of 1,269 people died in Estonia.

Estonian The Department of Health estimates that the 14-day cumulative number of Covid-19 cases per 100,000 population on July 4 is 29.

A total of 565,973 people have been vaccinated against Covid-19 in Estonia, including 458,159 people.

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