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Covid-19. No opening of its ski lifts in February. Sport

The ski lifts of the ski resorts will remain closed in February, without a reopening date having been set, announced this Monday, February 1, Matignon after a meeting between Prime Minister Jean Castex and mountain stakeholders.

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The evolution of the health situation does not allow us at this stage to reopen the ski lifts , explained the entourage of Jean Castex, noting that there was no tendency to general reopening in other European countries.

Planned aid

Skiing equipment shops and related activities, upstream of the mountain economy, will be eligible for aid paid by the Solidarity Fund and those of the Tourism plan, to spend the unprecedented shock of the health crisis, also announced Matignon.

Companies with an activity engineering, carpentry, or manufacturing ski lifts , may benefit in particular from support from the Solidarity Fund. This fund pays compensation of 20% of turnover, up to a limit of € 200,000, to companies indirectly affected by administrative closures linked to the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, if they have lost 70% of their turnover.

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