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Covid-19 – New restriction measures: can the Omicron variant spoil the end of the year holidays?

The government’s objective: to avoid curfews and the closure of businesses. But doesn’t the imminent arrival of the Omicron variant doubled from the 5th wave make further restriction measures inevitable?

It has not yet been spotted in France. But in all likelihood and according to expert opinion, it is only a matter of time. New South African variant has raised fears of the worst throughout the world, while many countries, especially in Europe, have given a turn of the screw to fight against 5e wave of Covid-19. Measures imposed in particular in France which may not be sufficient with the arrival of the Omicron variant. Enough to fill the horizon of the end of the year holidays with clouds.

Why ?

One, because the timing is wrong. Several countries, notably France, are already struggling not to be overwhelmed by the 5e wave. The contaminations increase, hospitalizations also, and for the moment the critical care services seem spared thanks to the vaccination. let’s remember that the incidence rate national has exceeded the maximum alert threshold (250 cases per 100,000 inhabitants). A threshold which, a year ago during the second confinement, was synonymous with curfew, but also the closure of restaurants and bars.

Read also :
Covid-19 – Origins, speed of contagion, vaccine resistance: what we know about the Omicron variant

A 3rd dose for all of the vaccine less effective on the variant

Two, and that’s where it’ll start to get stuck. These drastic measures are not imposed today precisely thanks to vaccination. Now this variant Omicron seems to escape theimmunity, given the number of re-infections, more important than in previous waves. Which could reduce the effectiveness of … vaccines, whose government has expanded the injection of 3rd dose to all adults. Laboratories claim that a “new vaccine can be developed in 100 days against an aggressive variant”, record time. But in 100 days, the epidemic can reach very worrying levels.

Three, because as it is, restriction measures have already been taken: the obligation of wearing a mask in all enclosed spaces, including where the health pass is in effect. The prefects having the hand to impose it also on the outside. Without forgetting these instructions dictated by the Ministry of Health, sending all positive contact cases to isolation. Covid-19, including the vaccinated.

Read also :
Omicron variant of Covid-19 – All contact cases, even vaccinated, in isolation: new instructions from the Ministry of Health

A situation that leaves nothing good for the Christmas and New Year. With others measures that could happen at the same time as the variant Omicron ?

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